Recent content by pd3000

  1. P

    Light Clock Experiment - questions from a newbie?

    Thanks for the links. Rather over my head, but I suppose there are only a finite number of ways of explaining some of these principals ! I will reread several times and see whether the clouds start to clear. @phinds If I'm lucky enough to be reincarnated as a physicist, I'll be happy to...
  2. P

    Light Clock Experiment - questions from a newbie?

    @phinds, excellent, thanks for your clarification, I think that clears up at least a couple of my points. I would still like to know if my subtle change to the light clock experiment is a valid one, and how it would fundamentally change the outcome of the time dilation? Does the fact that the...
  3. P

    Light Clock Experiment - questions from a newbie?

    Hi all, firstly, I must apologise for my level of physics knowledge and how this might be reflected in my question and the terminology used. I am trying to understand particle physics at an advanced age my neurons are not as elastic as they once were! I have been listening to an excellent...