Recent content by pawan_ctn

  1. P

    Math Useless Without Applications?

    nothing is useless in maths... math is the subject of arts and science both. we always use it as tool to calculate and evaluate the science theories but it is not limited upto there only. see the mathematics by the eyes of maths not by the science. if u ll see it as a science tool then u can...
  2. P

    Is Time's Speed Just Wild Speculation?

    time is a dimention... it has no speed...
  3. P

    How does a Physics class differ from an Engineering class?

    physics is the subject of nature it is the study of universal matters.... it is different from engineering ,we uses the theories of physics.. engineering is application of physics not engineering formulas are approximaated.
  4. P

    What is the difference between gas and vapour?

    what is the difference between vapour and gas? when gas condence it change in what difference between gas and vapour?
  5. P

    The color of light can be change by the change in wavelength?

    but my question is ,can the color of light be change by the change in wavelength?
  6. P

    The color of light can be change by the change in wavelength?

    but freq doesn't change...
  7. P

    The color of light can be change by the change in wavelength?

    i know velo will be constant but am asking about color
  8. P

    The color of light can be change by the change in wavelength?

    means freq can be change?
  9. P

    The color of light can be change by the change in wavelength?

    the color of light can be change by the change in wavelength? Each color of light has specific range of wave length.So if light will go in dense medium then its velocity will decrease...Acc to equ.. Velo=freq *wavelength so wave length also will decrease bcoz frequency...
  10. P

    Heat transfer in motional bodies

    How does heat tranfer in motional bodies? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  11. P

    Light under light gravitational force

    grol why light bend towards each other when it trevels antiparallel?