Recent content by pancakewaffles

  1. P

    Bowling Ball rolling on a smooth floor

    Great! Thanks everyone for helping!
  2. P

    Bowling Ball rolling on a smooth floor

    Here's what I have done: I have $$F=ma_2 -(1)$$ $$τ_c =FR = I_cα_c -(2)$$ and $$a_1 - a_2 = α_cR -(3)$$ Substituting (1) into (2) gives me $$α_c = mRa_2/I_c$$ We know that the moment of inertia of a sphere (I assumed that the bowling ball was a uniform sphere) about a line of axis going through...
  3. P

    Bowling Ball rolling on a smooth floor

    Am I right to think that it's the relative acceleration that produces the horizontal force necessary for ##a_2##? Hmm. I think I get it. My equations (1),(2) and (3) were derived from the reference frame of a stationary. But my equation (3) was odd, because the direction of rolling motion, and...
  4. P

    Bowling Ball rolling on a smooth floor

    Hi there! I chanced upon this problem whilst trying to brush up my Classical Mech knowledge and found it confusing. Hope someone out there can provide an insight! Homework Statement A bowling ball of mass m and radius R sits on the smooth floor of a subway car. If the car has a horizontal...