Recent content by p.mather

  1. P

    Probability Distribution Function

    As i was saying i am not good at this at all and its something i need to begin to understand. Would you please be able to provide a worked solution so i can begin to understand. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    Yes i agree with that, so how do.. KE=0.5mv^2 PE=mgh work=force x distance relate in this case?
  3. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    How does that calculate to 0.302 though?
  4. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    So by doing it this method can u get the answer of 0.302m, if so could you explain. Thanks.
  5. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    Yes i see where you are coming from with that, as u say the answer still comes out to be 0.267m. Maybe the 0.302m could be wrong however i would be suprised if it was given its come from the lecturer.
  6. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    Just out of interest do you find the answer to be 0.302m? I have computed the kinetic energy of the hammer and stake but what's the reson for that?!
  7. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    Its the answer that we have been given for the depth from a lecturer. However i can't seem to find that answer.
  8. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    Im not 100% sure what you mean, as this area is not my strong point. Could you please explain.
  9. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    I understand that the acceleration is negative as you have said however... Could somebody please explain the answer then as i am led to believe that the answer is 0.302m, however i am having trouble computing a answer that is even close to the answer. Thanks for your help.
  10. P

    Constant Resistance in Physics Problem

    Homework Statement A metal stake of mass 8 kg is driven vertically into the ground using a hammer of 10 kg. Just prior to impact the speed of the hammer is 12 m/s. After impact the hammer remains in contact with the stake. a. What is the speed that the stake starts to enter the ground...
  11. P

    Probability Distribution Function

    Homework Statement Given the probability distribution function: See attachment. Determine the: 1. Probability density function. 2. The mean. 3. The median. Homework Equations Hello, I am really struggling with this subject area, this is an example I have found, would...
  12. P

    Finding the Determinant of A: Step-by-Step Guide

    Homework Statement A= 1 2 CF.A= 3 -2 ADJ.A= 3 -2 2 3 -2 1 -2 1 Next i need to find determinant of A so then i can do ADJ.A / determinant.A Homework Equations How do i work out the determinant, is there a specific way and...
  13. P

    Integration substitution rule help

    Homework Statement ∫ x^(1/4) . (x^(5/4) +1)^6 Homework Equations I used substitution rule with u = x^(5/4) +1 The Attempt at a Solution I got an answer of 4/5 . (u^7/7) +c would that be correct
  14. P

    Calculating Water Pump Efficiency and Work Rate

    Thanks for you help. so when working a) i seem to get ... 0.16 however i believe the answer is 8m/s should i have done 2.4/(60*.05)=0.8 however have i messed my units up somewhere? Thanks again.