Recent content by Ozz

  1. O

    Schools Sophmore in College needing advice for Physics

    I intend to try it like you said. I can't wrap my mind around doing anything but a science field at the moment so Calculus is something I will have to get down no matter what field I pick.
  2. O

    Biomedical Engineers: Connect & Collaborate

    What do biomedical engineers create? I've gotten mixed information from the internet.
  3. O

    Schools Sophmore in College needing advice for Physics

    The first physics class available asks for math 71 (college algebra) and from there it gets to physics for a major. I didn't mean to sound rude from my last post, it's just frustrating wanting to try something but you can't cause of math qualifications. Either way though I will have to get into...
  4. O

    Biomedical Engineers: Connect & Collaborate

    Any Biomedical Engineers out there?
  5. O

    Schools Sophmore in College needing advice for Physics

    I understand what you're saying and you are right. There is actually a physics class I can take that is my math level but it is not intended for physics majors so maybe that will give me an idea. Thanks
  6. O

    Schools Sophmore in College needing advice for Physics

    Ah, thank you for the input! It's not that I doubt myself that I cannot do the math. I am a former cancer patient as well so I am determined to do what I want. I just have a hard time relating to Bio. I am not far off from taking my first calculus class actually, I just looked into my class...
  7. O

    Schools Sophmore in College needing advice for Physics

    Hi, my name is Greg and I recently decided I wanted to choose a science for a major rather than business or the like. When choosing a science it helped that I took a philosophy class to discover that I like theory and working with what is unseen. I also like the creative aspect I can incorporate...