Recent content by ozgurakkas

  1. O

    Compresible volumetric strain rate-fluid mechanics

    This is not really part of my homework but I still want to drive this equation. Continuity equation: p=density D/Dt=material derivative Grad: Gradient V=Velocity vector v=volume so; (1/p)(Dp/Dt)= -Grad.V and p=m/v then, (1/(m/v))(D(m/v)/Dt)= -Grad.V Following is what I can't seem to get...
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    Stress Analysis Student Project

    This was helpful. I will take your suggestion into consideration. Thank you.
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    Stress Analysis Student Project

    Hi All, I am going to perform stress analysis on a helicopter landing gear. My job is to find one specific landing gear, study its design, analyze and through tools we learned in the strength of materials class, redesign the gear to improve it. If you have knowledge of this sort of...
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    How to Find Angles in Equilibrium Equations?

    sinx=opposite/hyppotenusse cosx=adjacent/hypotenuse tanx=opposite/adjacent that's all I need to find the angles. I am not sure why you have taken it too far.However, I appreciate your answer. Thank you
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    How to Find Angles in Equilibrium Equations?

    I am studying statics and more precisely multi force members. I understand the process about solving how to find reactions and forces in x and y directions. However, I have a great tendency to confuse it when if comes to figuring out angles to write equilibrium equations. Any help for me to...
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    Understanding Fusion Power: Deuterium & Tritium in Magnetic Confinement

    Thanks. Your answers made it clear. I also got some anwsers in this website..
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    Understanding Fusion Power: Deuterium & Tritium in Magnetic Confinement

    Now, I am a little confused. Is it sent into the tokomak in the form or gas or injected as frozen pellets. Maybe, It starts with neutral gas and later fed with D-T ice pellets?
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    Understanding Fusion Power: Deuterium & Tritium in Magnetic Confinement

    I have been researching about fusion power to understand how it operates during thermonuclear reactions. I do not understand how and how much deuterium and tritium are placed into the magnetic confinement (tokomak). I appreciate it, if anyone guides me about this. Thank you
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    Finding Level Curves of f(x,y)=xy

    Question does not say it is restricted. I said it because x is in the denumerator. if it is 0 then it is undefined.
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    Finding Level Curves of f(x,y)=xy

    Question as follows f(x,y)=xy , find the level curves for c= +-1,+-2,+-3,+-4,+-5 My first attempt was to set f(x,y)=c c=xy and y=1/x C and this is an hyperbolic function. Is that right? I am also confused what values x can get. I know it is restricted and x>0. Can x get the same value as C ?
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    Gaah Leaky Faucet is Driving Me Insane

    What if it's his grandmother's house... Have fun with that...
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    Why Do All Three Faucets Turn On When I Operate Just One?

    As long as all the faucets have handles and they work properly and are closed while one of the faucets is working, there is no way all three will work simultanously. However faucets might have cencors so there might be a case with wiring.
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    Gaah Leaky Faucet is Driving Me Insane

    Call kohler. Order a new piece When it arrives, First turn the water supply off. Open a faucet so you can take the water pressure out inside the pipe. Go back to the faucet. Take out the nut at the top of the handle. Take the inner part out. Be easy... Then take the new one and replace...
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    C/C++ Resolving a CPP 6 Syntax Error - Declaration syntax error

    ok. It works now. I changed void main() to int main() and compiled the program on a different computer. It works fine. thanks...
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    C/C++ Resolving a CPP 6 Syntax Error - Declaration syntax error

    interesting.. I changed it to "int main()" but now it just shuts off the compiler. it disappears. I reopen the program and when i compile it shows success but when I run the program everything disappears.