Recent content by Overflowing

  1. Overflowing

    Ultrasonic Welding Help - PC Troubleshooting

    This is not an option for me. 1) would require re-tooling at quite an expense 2) joint needs to be sealed water tight (but not pressure tight) 3) joint needs to be durable
  2. Overflowing

    Ultrasonic Welding Help - PC Troubleshooting

    Yes I've heard it's a bit of a "dark art" technique to get it just right - @CalcNerd what you are saying helps me a lot. Right now I'm exploring a few other possible options as UW seems a bit cost-prohibitive, and without being able to find someone locally who has one that I can experiment...
  3. Overflowing

    Ultrasonic Welding Help - PC Troubleshooting

    I'm exploring Ultrasonic Welding as an alternative to solvent welding of some polycarbonate parts...looking for someone with some knowledge in this arena. I'm very familiar with solvent welding acrylic, but PC is giving me troubles. Anyone willing to help me out?
  4. Overflowing

    Black Body Radiator vs painted surface

    Well, it would be impossible for me to guess the exact material this manufacturer has switched to. He hasn't said anything this time about it being somehow more radiative than bare aluminum, so I'm not questioning that claim (because, it was never made...) I just figured since this thread got...
  5. Overflowing

    Black Body Radiator vs painted surface

    Clarification: black epoxy
  6. Overflowing

    Black Body Radiator vs painted surface

    What about a thin epoxy coating? Wouldn't that also act as an insulator?
  7. Overflowing

    Have a problem? read this first

    Pretty sure that means your plugin is outdated. The forum generally does not run a flash plugin
  8. Overflowing

    Causing calcification of knitting canvas (LLDPE mesh)

    I have another possible route I could go with this. Instead of causing a layer of calcium to build up on the mesh, what about this: Dip the screen in something that would cause the material to soften Remove the screen when it gets to the point of surface softness, but is still firm enough to...
  9. Overflowing

    Causing calcification of knitting canvas (LLDPE mesh)

    A commonly used dosing mixture is Kalkwasser, basically pickling lime, something like that? Could make kalk paste and place it in that. But I guess would something like that actually be so caustic (in paste form) as to dissolve the screen material itself?
  10. Overflowing

    Causing calcification of knitting canvas (LLDPE mesh)

    I know this sounds like an odd question, but to me, it would be useful to figure this out, so I'm throwing this out there to see if it bounces off anyone. I would like to know if there is a relatively simple way to cause calcification of a sheet of knitting canvas. The material in question is...
  11. Overflowing

    Have a problem? read this first

    There is no default option/user preference in XF to allow reversing the order of posts in a thread such that the last post is first. There is an addon that does add this function in however.
  12. Overflowing

    Have a problem? read this first

    Hey Greg i just noticed an style property (color) issue with attachment viewing. When I click a thumbnail and get the viewer pop-up window, the "X" in the upper right corner is blended into the background of the window. I know it's there because I'm familiar with XF but someone who isn't might...
  13. Overflowing

    Have a problem? read this first

    Working fast now, and the style is really nice, Russ did a good job.
  14. Overflowing

    What's Coming in Physics Forums 4.0?

    In XF, you will have a notification bubble next to the "Alerts" on the nav bar that indicates that you have alerts (and the quantity), such as when you were quoted in a post, tagged in a post, a reply was made to a thread you are subscribed in, etc. Some of these are configurable on the admin...
  15. Overflowing

    What's Coming in Physics Forums 4.0?

    That is a setting or tweak. The addon that Greg is referring to makes more calls to the server to update the alert notifications, specifically for the tab alert.