Recent content by Overdose

  1. O

    Why do so many people believe in alternative stuff these days?

    spiritual eye for the empiricist guy! - my latest idea for a smash tv hit. Hmm anyway, i think dave is right; people look to the alternative to find meaning, science collects and inteprets data but doesn't really pursue the wider implications of that data. Prehaps people should look towards...
  2. O

    Advancing Humanity: Thoughts on Existence

    I think the nature of efficiency will arse up the quality of everything and will be a far bigger threat to us and everything else than nuclear weapons. Id go into more detail but its late here *snooze*
  3. O

    The Three Purposes of the Universe: A Revelation.

    All i can say is - the universe seems to be underpinned by physical principles that favour the evolution of systems that move along a gradient of ever increasing complexity. I guess to be alittle bit more speculative id say the universe is a process that favours variety of expression in form...
  4. O

    Why do religious people accept their religion the way they do?

    I think religion has to be the most attractive meme going, it offers all-in-one answers and solutions to some of the most complex philosophical and moral questions a humanbeing could ask. In a world where most people feel adrift in a world of chaos and uncertainly, i can definitely see where...
  5. O

    Exploring Holographic Universe Theory

    hi i found the following sites.. <-- this one contains an excerpt from the holographic universe book also found these sites on closely related topics and themes...
  6. O

    Exploring Holographic Universe Theory

    the holographic universe theory is an interesting on but as zoobyshoe said it never really made it as a 'proper' theory. I am going to see if i can find some interesting pages on it, its pretty much the only theory out there that's even atempted to explain the nature of omnipresent information...
  7. O

    Is Our Universe Intentionally Fostering Life and Intelligence?

    Well i wouldn't say it was rubbish, then again id hardly say it was a brilliant insight either. Its really nothing i haven't mulled over myself on a lazy sunday afternoon such as this. :-p Personally id say he's probably nearer the mark than assuming specified consciousness is some weird freak...
  8. O

    Explore the Unknown Universe: Conscious Field, Spirits and Life Force

    I think youre definitely on the right lines, its a beautiful thing to actually tap into the overwhelming pool of knowledge that seems to timelessly exist all around us, and its something that's very difficult to accurately describe with words. Although a good analogy would be the internet; it...
  9. O

    Are Ghosts a Global Phenomenon Beyond Mythology?

    Great video, it might be real, prehaps not its hard to say when youre viewing it in compressed video format. Although i will say that in haunted videos i have seen which i don't doubt the validity of I've seen the same type of orbs. It seems that ghosts when visable offen seem to be composed of...
  10. O

    Are Ghosts a Global Phenomenon Beyond Mythology?

    Dont be so presumptuous, i know enough about mental illness to be having this conversation, The fact is your original atempt at trying to equate a folie à deux with mass hallucinations was completely unfounded and misunderstands the dynamic of this particular behaviour. And if youre going to...
  11. O

    Are Ghosts a Global Phenomenon Beyond Mythology?

    Thats interesting, i offen found the opposite to be true, but I am sure what you say is right as well. Of course, it would be unreasonable to think the people would be able to tell the different on every occasion and in every instance. I just don't think it occurs nearly as offen as you think...
  12. O

    Are Ghosts a Global Phenomenon Beyond Mythology?

    As I've said its a point youve made well, but it unfortunately doesn't go far enough to begin to provide complete and coherent answers to what people are experiencing and reporting. They can't be, or rather or so unlikely to be (hallucinations) that i see very good reason to purpuse other...
  13. O

    Are Ghosts a Global Phenomenon Beyond Mythology?

    Coincidently I am actually from york and know the story of the marching romans well, my grandmother even knew the man in question. The thing that always marked out the story in my mind was the fact he saw the romans marching but only from the knees up. Which was latter of course attributed to...
  14. O

    Are Ghosts a Global Phenomenon Beyond Mythology?

    I think its more than unlikely i think its verging on being virtually impossible. Ideally yes, i would agree. This in a nutshell i think is the motivation for your entire position, and it further confirms my long held opinion that peoples beliefs are almost soley guided by their personal...
  15. O

    Are Ghosts a Global Phenomenon Beyond Mythology?

    I will look into it, it would be interesting to see if anyone has : ) but I am not going to do it myself, that's absurd; and a way of calling someone's bluff to my mind that someone always tries in everyone of these kinds of threads.