Recent content by Orange_Squash

  1. Orange_Squash

    I How do I properly plot the solar spectrum and handle the flux of Arcturus?

    You could pass a smoothing filter over the spectrum to smooth it a bit if it appears noisy. The features you're interested in will still be apparent and it would probably look a lot more like the examples given.
  2. Orange_Squash

    Lapsed sci-fi fan, looking for recommendations to get back into it

    Yes, I read his Mars stuff a long time ago, but I was perhaps a little too green for it (more interested than the place than the people).
  3. Orange_Squash

    Lapsed sci-fi fan, looking for recommendations to get back into it

    Looks like a meaty list, I'll look them up. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
  4. Orange_Squash

    Lapsed sci-fi fan, looking for recommendations to get back into it

    Thanks, I'll take a look! Congrats on the 100 :cool:
  5. Orange_Squash

    Lapsed sci-fi fan, looking for recommendations to get back into it

    As a teenager I ripped through my father's old sci-fi novels - Heinlein, Arthur C Clarke, Asimov, Herbert, Dick amongst others. I'm also a big fan of Douglas Adams but haven't read all of his books yet. I really enjoyed the sci-fi short stories genre, but again stuck mainly to the above...
  6. Orange_Squash

    Planetary scientist/atmospheric physicist - hi

    Hi there, I'm a research scientist having worked in various fields and institutions, I'm now out on my own as an independent contractor. I don't have my computer guy down the hall to ask computer questions to, or the building of experts to quiz when I'm stuck on a problem. I also miss helping...