Recent content by optera

  1. O

    Biology 4 examples linking dna mutation to disease

    I have to give a basic idea about the disease not much in depth as the question is for 20 marks and we have been asked to write 4 examples, so that means each example carries 5 marks. thanks 4 the help :)
  2. O

    Biology 4 examples linking dna mutation to disease

    sickle cell anemia,maniac depression,hypertension and diabetes are the examples that i have read in the reference textbooks and every1 in the class would be writting about these diseases only.i want to learn some new disease,that most have not heard of. i have also read about werners disease...
  3. O

    Biology 4 examples linking dna mutation to disease

    thanks moonbear. i indeed didn't know about the guidelines... i'll take of it frm the next time.
  4. O

    Biology 4 examples linking dna mutation to disease

    hi :smile: i am new over here,needed a little help from u people. i have an assignment to do in which i have to discuss about any 4 examples linking dna mutation to disease