Recent content by opt!kal

  1. O

    Piping commands with redirection

    So a little update, I changed gets to fgets and it seems like it will take any amount of comannds piped together, but only if it ends with a redirection operator or else I get errors like: <COMMAND>: invalid option -- ' where COMMAND is the last command in the sequence
  2. O

    Piping commands with redirection

    Homework Statement Hi there, So I am working on this assignment where the user is supposed to input a variety of UNIX commands and they must behave as if one typed it into the terminal. My current problem lies with when a user tries to redirect the inputted commands to some file. Currently...
  3. O

    Help with DFA/NFA Homework | Solutions & Explanations

    Hi there, I've been working on DFA's and NFA's in class, and for the most part I get it, but I want to make sure I am doing a couple of these right, and maybe you guys can give some insight on how to complete the ones that make no sense to me. With that, on to the first one! Homework...
  4. O

    How can I set the even bits to 1 using only specific operators?

    *smacks self on forehead* 8, there are 8 bits in a byte! So then I should probably have something like: ('A' << 8) | A correct?
  5. O

    How can I set the even bits to 1 using only specific operators?

    Hrmm I think I see what you're saying, basically do a left shift by a byte (x << 4, correct?) and then or it with what the original was? But nothing is being passed into the function, and I need a variable in order to do the left shift correct? I guess I'm still having trouble comprehending...
  6. O

    How can I set the even bits to 1 using only specific operators?

    Homework Statement /* * evenBits - return word with all even-numbered bits set to 1 * Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >> * Max ops: 8 * Rating: 2 */ int evenBits(void) { return ?; } The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea! What I originally thought was that I would...
  7. O

    Couple of Proofs (Regular Induction / Well Ordering)

    Okay so for the square root problem, my inductive step is basically that I can use the compass to create a circle, and since we assumed that we could draw sqrt(k) we can simply make two perpendicular lines that intersect at a 90 degree angle, and from the basis we can just mark off one from...
  8. O

    Couple of Proofs (Regular Induction / Well Ordering)

    so i was talking to my TA again, and he basically said: Which is basically dick has said, but my only question is does anyone think they know what he means by pick a point on the outside? Also, exk, for number two, Since k would be the least element that could not be written as distinct powers...
  9. O

    Couple of Proofs (Regular Induction / Well Ordering)

    Ahh I see what you're saying, because we proved P(1) in the basis, and for the P(K+1) case we can draw a diameter of k within the circle, we simply let the P(1) intersect P(k) since we assume we can draw these, and they form a 90 degree angle, and basically apply Pythagorean theorem to get the...
  10. O

    Couple of Proofs (Regular Induction / Well Ordering)

    [SOLVED] Couple of Proofs (Regular Induction / Well Ordering) Hi there everyone, I've been having a bit of trouble of solving these questions, so any help would be greatly appreciated: Homework Statement 1: Prove, via regular induction, that it is possible to draw a line-segment of length...
  11. O

    Proving Cardinality Equality for Powersets of Infinite Sets

    I really don't get what you're trying to say. So if I take the elements of the Subset of A and map them to elements of B, making a new subset for B, how does help with the Powerset of A mapping to the powerset of B, as well as creating a bijective function? My only guess as to why you could do...
  12. O

    How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    5'4" and 110 lbs. Yes I am horribly short and skinny. And I'm almost positive my Linear Algebra and Diff Eqn. Professor thinks I am 16 =/ (i'm actually 21).
  13. O

    Proving Cardinality Equality for Powersets of Infinite Sets

    Hi there, I'm having a lot of trouble understanding this particular problem, and I hope the fine people of this forum can help me out =) Homework Statement Let A and B be infinite sets with the same cardinality. Prove that P(A) and P(B) have the same cardinality. Do this by giving...
  14. O

    Discrete Math: Sets/Functions/Proofs

    Do I have do consider the infiite case? I just thought since it stated within the problem that the sets were finite, that was what I should focus. In any case, I will give it some thought and get back to you.
  15. O

    Discrete Math: Sets/Functions/Proofs

    I apologize for the title, I really don't know how to describe these problems, so I just listed the categories that they fall under. Anyways... Homework Statement Let f: A->B be a function, where A and B are finite sets and |A| =|B| (they have the same size I believe). Prove that f is...