Recent content by Opalg

  1. Opalg

    POTW Integer n: Solving the Equation ##\dfrac{n^2+3}{2n+4}## for Integers

    If n^2 + 3 = k(2n+4) then n^2 - 2kn + (3-4k) = 0. The discriminant of that quadratic must be a perfect square, say k^2 + 4k-3 = m^2. Then (k+2)^2 - 7 = m^2. The only squares that differ by 7 are 9 and 16, so k+2 = \pm4. Thus either k = 2 and n^2 - 4n - 5 = 0, giving n = -1 \text{ or }5; or k= -6...
  2. Opalg merges with PF

    It seems that the PF LaTeX system does not recognise the TikZ environment that is used in many MHB threads. See for example here or here.
  3. Opalg

    MHB Prove Angle of Diagonals in Quadrilateral is Degrees

    As in a previous problem, here is an algebraic solution. I would like to see a geometric solution giving more insight into why this result holds.
  4. Opalg

    MHB Solve Equation: $x^4+2x^3-x^2-6x-3=0$

    Brute force solution. :censored: 🥊
  5. Opalg

    MHB What is the area of square ABCD with OQ = OF = 6?

    Here is an outline of a solution using coordinate geometry. [scale=1.5] \coordinate [label=above right:{\textcolor{blue}O}] (O) at (0,0) ; \coordinate [label=above right:{\textcolor{blue}A}] (A) at (0,3.46) ; \coordinate [label=above right:{\textcolor{blue}B}] (B) at (1.73,0.46) ; \coordinate...
  6. Opalg

    MHB Could you prove that f(A)>=0 whenever A>0?

    I think this result must be false. Start with the matrix $A = \begin{bmatrix}0&0&\alpha \\ \alpha&0&0 \\ 0&\alpha&0\end{bmatrix}$. Then$A^2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0&\alpha^2&0 \\ 0&0&\alpha^2 \\ \alpha^2&0&0 \end{bmatrix}$ and $A^3 = \begin{bmatrix}\alpha^3&0&0 \\ 0&\alpha^3&0 \\ 0&0&\alpha^3...
  7. Opalg

    MHB Infinite series involving 'x' has a constant value

    It's obvious from the graph at #1 that $S_n(x)$ increases very rapidly to $1$ as $n$ increases. So it seemed helpful to write $S_n(x)$ in the form $1$ - ?. I found that $$S_1(x) = 1 - \frac12\cos^2\left(\frac{\pi x}2\right),$$ $$S_2(x) = 1 - \frac14\cos^2\left(\frac{\pi...
  8. Opalg

    MHB Infinite series involving 'x' has a constant value

    Use the result $\sin x = 2\sin\frac x2\cos\frac x2$ repeatedly to see that $$\begin{aligned}\sin^2(\pi x) &= 2^2\sin^2\left(\frac{\pi x}2\right)\cos^2\left(\frac{\pi x}2\right) \\ &= 2^4\sin^2\left(\frac{\pi x}4\right)\cos^2\left(\frac{\pi x}4\right)\cos^2\left(\frac{\pi x}2\right) \\ & \vdots...
  9. Opalg

    LaTeX What is the Latex Code for Upper Sum?

    Alternatively, \sup_{x\in B_j} --> $\displaystyle \sup_{x\in B_j}$. (The symbol for sup then appears in Roman type rather than italics.)
  10. Opalg

    MHB How can we prove the inequality for the supremum and infimum of f*g and f*g?

    For every $x\in B$, $f(x) \leqslant \sup_B f$ and $g(x) \leqslant \sup_B g$. Therefore $(fg)(x) = f(x)g(x) \leqslant \sup_B f \sup_B g$. Now take the sup over $B$ to get $\sup_B fg \leqslant \sup_B f \sup_B g$. A similar argument shows that $\inf_B fg \geqslant \inf_B f \inf_B g$ and so...
  11. Opalg

    MHB Can an Ellipse Help Solve the Scalene Triangle Problem?

    If the point $c$ moves so that the sum of its lengths to $a$ and $b$ is constant, then its locus will be an ellipse (the red curve in the diagram) with one focus at $a$ and the other one at $b$. The vertical line through $c$ will bisect the angle between the blue lines through $c$ at the point...
  12. Opalg

    MHB How Do You Map Matrices to Complex Numbers in Linear Algebra?

    The matrix $A$ has the interesting property that its square is minus the identity matrix: $A^2 = \begin{bmatrix}-1&0\\0&-1\end{bmatrix}$. That suggests that it should correspond to the complex number $i$. In fact, $K$ consists of all matrices of the form $\begin{bmatrix}a&-b\\b&a\end{bmatrix}$...
  13. Opalg

    MHB What is the internal tangent circle problem for three given circles?

    {"version":7,"graph":{"viewport":{"xmin":-26.663023386989984,"ymin":-12.46821832312099,"xmax":16.18142239370036,"ymax":23.98932209548482}},"randomSeed":"79bd9e65b9a1a48586c1677c8d4b0ba1","expressions":{"list":[{"type":"expression","id":"1","color":"#c74440","latex":"x^{2}\\ +\\ y^{2}\\ -\\ 12x\\...
  14. Opalg

    LaTeX Latex Problem for Set B Minus set B' that is B \ B' (SOLVED)

    Use the \setminus symbol: $B\setminus B'$.