Recent content by opaka

  1. O

    Arrhenius Equation and pseudo isotherms

    Hey, I'm doing an experiment where I run a reaction at three different microwave powers to determine if there is any effect beyond the standard temperature ramp rates. If I know how long it takes the reaction to go from 260 C to 280 C in each of these cases, is there any possible way to extract...
  2. O

    Light emission from a hole in a cavity

    Homework Statement Sethna 7.7 Assume that the hole of area A is is on the upper part of the cavity, perpendicular to the z axis. The vertical component of the velocity of each photon is therefore vz= c cos(θ), where θ is the angle between the photon velocity and the vertical. The photon...
  3. O

    What are the eigenstates of the anti-ferromagnetic dimer Hamiltonian?

    Thanks so much Vela! you've been a wonderful help.:smile:
  4. O

    What are the eigenstates of the anti-ferromagnetic dimer Hamiltonian?

    I get four answers : J/4 + μB, J/4 -μB, J/4 and - 3J/4. Is this right? These look like the singlet and triplet state energies, but with an added B term.
  5. O

    What are the eigenstates of the anti-ferromagnetic dimer Hamiltonian?

    When I do that, and apply the spin operators, S2 ket (S,Sz)=s(s+1) ket (s,sz) and Sz ket (S,Sz) = szket (s,sz)(sorry, couldn't find the ket symbol in latex) I get H = J/2 (s(s+1) - s1(s1+1)-s2(s2+1))-μB(s1z+s2z) Is this correct?
  6. O

    What are the eigenstates of the anti-ferromagnetic dimer Hamiltonian?

    Homework Statement The hamiltonian of a simple anti-ferromagnetic dimer is given by H=JS(1)\bulletS(2)-μB(Sz(1)+Sz(2)) find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The professor gave the hint that the eigenstates are of...
  7. O

    Calculate Temperature of reservoir from microstate probabilities

    Never mind, I must have been sleep deprived or something. I was trying to plug in the probability equations on both sides of the ratio. I figured it out now.
  8. O

    How can I convert the Hamiltonian equation into a matrix in quantum mechanics?

    Homework Statement The Hamiltonian for an individual anti-ferromagnetic dimer is given as H=J S(1) dot S(2) -μB(Sz(1)+Sz(2)) Where J and μ are positive constants. Find the eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of H Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Haven't attempted...
  9. O

    Calculate Temperature of reservoir from microstate probabilities

    okay, so I found this in another stat mech book: "the ratio of the probability of being in state i to that of being the ground state (E=0) is pi/p0 = exp(-βEi) and we can then find the temperature of the heat bath to be T= (-E)/(k ln (pi/p0)." So now my question is, can I justify all...
  10. O

    Calculate Temperature of reservoir from microstate probabilities

    Homework Statement Consider a network of N = 1006 non-interacting spin 1/2 particles fixed to the sites of a 1D lattice. The network is placed in an external uniform magnetic field so that its total (fixed) energy is given by E = -(N up- N down)ε = -100ε where ε is a positive constant...
  11. O

    Light through 3 linear polarizers

    To find the maximum of a function, take the derivative and set it to zero. So, write an equation for the light passing through the filters, leaving the angle variable only for the middle filter, take the derivative of that function, and solve for the unknown. If you're stuck, post the...
  12. O

    Light through 3 linear polarizers

    You can also put the second polarizer at a 45° angle to the first polarizer, and then some light will emerge.
  13. O

    Calculate number of microstates of n harmonic oscillators

    Homework Statement Consider a system of N localized particles moving under the influence of a quantum, 1D, harmonic oscillator potential of frequency ω. The energy of the system is given by E=(1/2)N\hbarω + M\hbarω where M is the total number of quanta in the system. compute the total...
  14. O

    Is our professor expecting too much?

    Try asking your professor if there is any supplementary texts that he could recommend you read to get a handle on the necessary mathematics.
  15. O

    Returning to gradschool after quitting

    Yes, it most likely will be government research grant funded.