Recent content by onemind

  1. O

    Beginners Questions about Astronomy

    Cool, thanks guys :) Just a few more questions. So can you see individual stars in other galaxies with a good telescope? Are there any good books explaining it to a layman? Especially the geometry side of things. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I doubt it :P As far as...
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    Beginners Questions about Astronomy

    Hello, I have a few questions for astronomers. 1) When you look up at the sky at night with the naked eye, are all those stars within the milkyway galaxy? Or can we see past our own galaxy and see stars from other galaxies mixed in with stars from the milky way? 2) I heard the universe...
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    lol, your whole post is a good example of pedantic semantics. No sht. From the first post: I don't care about how mathematicians deal with the paradox of finite infinity hence this post being moved to the philosphy section. I get and accept your math concepts but it doesn't solve the...
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    Here we go with pedantic semantics again. Call it Zenos enigma if it makes you happy.
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    Thanks Arnbg. If that is the case then this wouldn't have went on for 4 pages of the same explanations.
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    What in the world are you talking about mate? Reaction time of achilles? I think your reading too much into the story. Forget the story and look at it the way in terms of point A to B as i outlined in the first post. Talk about disingenuous people using ideas to suit them. :rolleyes:
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    Well i guess i am a child then because zenos paradox still baffles me.
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    I can't explain it. All i know is that in reality, i can move an object from A to B but i don't know how. I understand how to get around this problem with the use of calculus to create useful models of reality and realize that the models are not reality. Hence my statement a few pages back...
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    Zenos paradox. I don't see what is semantic about contemplating finite infinity which is basically what zenos paradox is minus the greek analogy of achilles and the turtle.
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    I said finite infinty. I disagree with cane toad that this concept is merely semantic but of course i agree that it is not useful. The whole concept of unit size makes no sense when dealing with infinity, only in a relative real world sense.
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    Of course, but after listening you give the same explanation over and over without considering where i am coming from i came to the conclusion that you are blinded by science. I think i will go with Einstein on this one rather than Hurkyl.
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    Well, i was new to zenos paradox a couple of days ago which was exposed to me in a beginner calculus book and not being a mathematician i was just curious to how mathematicians explain this paradox. This is what i meant by: In my original post. Now i know. Thanks to all that...
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    Because that is the whole point of the paradox. It never gets there because it goes for eternity and there will never be any discrete set of partial sums that equal the limit. Thats a fine concept for mathematicians but it makes no sense in the real world because in the real world things do get...
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    But it never actually gets to the limit.
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    CoffmanPhDIs space-time discrete or continuous?

    1 second is finite but it is a measure of infinite points. Finite infinity.