Recent content by omgitsroy326

  1. O

    Understanding Phase Shifting in Differential Equations

    How does phase shifting occur? All i know is that when i you the regular equation mx + cx + kx Damping bring phase shift (excuse my derivatives) mx + kx No phase shift Can someone explain this... :zzz:
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    How Does Ohm's Law Apply in AC Circuits and Oscilloscope Measurements?

    TA sent the answer in ... 1.d, 2.b, 3.b, 3.b, 4.c, 5.e, 6.a, 7.b, 8.d, 9.c, 10.c, 11.b, 12.a, 13.d, 14.b, 15.a, 16.b, 17.d, 18.d, 19.d, 20.a, 21.a, 22.b, 23.a, 24.b, 25.a, 26.b, 27.d, 28.a, 29.b, 30.b, 31.d, 32.d, 33.c, 34.b
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    How Does Ohm's Law Apply in AC Circuits and Oscilloscope Measurements?

    i hope this will be the last one Question 32) For a 60Hz sinusoidal signal, the sampling rate (in samples per second) that would only record 4 ponts per cycle is : (a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 120 (d) 240 i'm guessing 15 ... 60/4... yea.. i dont' get this question .. i think it goes with...
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    How Does Ohm's Law Apply in AC Circuits and Oscilloscope Measurements?

    Question 25) High biot number (>>1) imply: (a) Temperature gradients within sphere are great (b) Temperature gradients inside sphere are small (c) Reynolds number greater than 2300 (d) high friction factors
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    How Does Ohm's Law Apply in AC Circuits and Oscilloscope Measurements?

    another one Question 24) When DC coupling is chosen on the Oscilliscope: (a) input signal is grounded (b) the input signal is directly connected directly to the amplifier and not altered in any way (c) the input signal is connected to the amplifier through a low pass filter (d) the...
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    How Does Ohm's Law Apply in AC Circuits and Oscilloscope Measurements?

    Here's another one ... Question 4) (A): P = IV hold for any cuductor (B) P = I^2* R holds only for conductors which happen to obey Ohm's Law (a) only (A) is true (b) only (B) is true (c) both (A) and (B) is true (d) both are false
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    How Does Ohm's Law Apply in AC Circuits and Oscilloscope Measurements?

    Ohm's law and AC circuits/ Biots / Oscilliscope hey wasssup... i'm doing a practice final and need some help ... It's askin which is true (1) Ohm's Law is true for all materials; (2) Resistance may depend on temperature (3) REsistance may depend on current (4) Ohm's law is...
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    Partial Derivatives Explained: Real-Life Examples and Solutions

    To me a derivative and a partial derivatice is the same thing. You just take it with respect to another vairable ... move some things around and solve... Can someone give me an example explainin what's happening... The difference between the two. I can solve it and i just absorb it , but...
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    Pool Table Problem: Is it Possible?

    hi dave... in an ideal world if all the ball were positioned perfectly and the impact was prefectly right on w/o super velocity (regular human velocity) then the balls could be caluclated no? greg... there's so many varibles in here it would be hard.. you know actually if you can setup...
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    Pool Table Problem: Is it Possible?

    seems impossible for human but i could be wrong... if you're good at programing you can create an alogrithm to solve it..good luck with that...i hate algrithm... I think this problem is really hard... why not jus do one that get's the 8 ball in and call it a day... i don' think it's impossible...
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    Mohr circle for 3dimensional stress state

    eigen value can help with the mohr circle but it's really really long from what i jus reviewed... anyhow i have a book that explains ti and i dont' have a digital camera but this book is pretty good... Mechanics of Material by Ferdinand P Beer from the book it gives sigY = 3.5 Sigx = 6...
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    Bicycle Shox Dynamics: Velocity & Acceleration Measurement

    i may be wrong but you'd probably need the the spring constant ... use conservation of energy ... also need to know how the load is being transferred due the rotation ... i know I'm wrong but i gave it a shot
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    Subsonic diffuser is an expanding pipe

    also is there a definition for shock... or formula? my book doesn't give a definition
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    Subsonic diffuser is an expanding pipe

    Anyhow books says Subsonic diffuser is an expanding pipe. In a picture it shows A -> B the radius of pipie decreases. I was under the impression that subsonic and expanding pipe meant radius getting larger. please clarify .. thanks again