Recent content by omegasquared

  1. O

    Transverse Oscillation of horizontal Mass-Springs system

    Thank you both for your help, in combination I believe I understand this much better now but I'll continue to ponder this idea of approximations (in terms of power series) over. Much appreciated!
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    Transverse Oscillation of horizontal Mass-Springs system

    Expanding previously, Fr = (2kL+2kx)y / (2L+x), so if x is small then 2kx ≈ 0 and 2L + x ≈ 2L? Which would leave 2kLy/2L = ky but then surely the y on the top would make the whole thing ≈ 0?
  3. O

    Transverse Oscillation of horizontal Mass-Springs system

    I'm still unsure how to get from there to simply ky however.
  4. O

    Transverse Oscillation of horizontal Mass-Springs system

    Ah, good point. So it should be: Fr = 2k(L+x)sinθ Which would then be: = 2ky(L+x) / (2L+x) Agreed?
  5. O

    Transverse Oscillation of horizontal Mass-Springs system

    Additional extension beyond what it was (L) at y=0.
  6. O

    Transverse Oscillation of horizontal Mass-Springs system

    The x is to do with the extension of the spring which will occur when you displace the ball by y upwards.
  7. O

    Transverse Oscillation of horizontal Mass-Springs system

    Homework Statement Mass M is supported by a smooth table and connected by two light horizontal springs to two fixed blocks. Each spring is of natural length L. Both springs are initially extended by L to get a total width between blocks of 4L. The spring constant of both springs is k. When...
  8. O

    Finding Tension in a Ring on a Smooth Hoop

    Thanks, that pointed me in the right direction! Much appreciated!
  9. O

    Finding Tension in a Ring on a Smooth Hoop

    Sorry, noticed that almost straight away. Thanks for your help there. I'm still unsure how it is possible to resolve to get a value for cosθ which doesn't involve R though.
  10. O

    Finding Tension in a Ring on a Smooth Hoop

    Like in the modified diagram attached?
  11. O

    Finding Tension in a Ring on a Smooth Hoop

    If it's a normal force, what is it normal to? The surface/edge of the hoop?
  12. O

    Finding Tension in a Ring on a Smooth Hoop

    I've attached the provided diagram of the system. I assume the action force would make the same angle θ as it's been pulled in that direction by the tension. Resolving parallel to the reaction & tension would yield a result still involving R though.
  13. O

    Finding Tension in a Ring on a Smooth Hoop

    Homework Statement A ring of mass m slides on a smooth circular hoop with radius r in the vertical plane. The ring is connected to the top of the hoop by a spring with natural length r and spring constant k. By resolving in one direction only show that in static equilibrium the angle the...