Recent content by omega360

  1. O

    Calculating Real Values of Expressions

    could you tell me how to find the least possible real value of this expression:(where n is a real number) (n squared) minus (3n) plus [the square root of (n – 3)] minus [the square root of (n – 3)]
  2. O

    Angle Of Deviation - An Optics Problem, help needed in optics

    Still didn't get how i could derive how much angle light would deviate after it passes through the lens. also what if the rays are parallel to the principal axis. what would be angle 'q'?? also could i know how light intensity is affected by it passing through the lens.
  3. O

    Calculating Real Values of Expressions

    i'm not sure whether this is the right place to post this but i need to know what a real value of an expression is. also can anyone tell how i could find the least possible real value of an expression.
  4. O

    Angle Of Deviation - An Optics Problem, help needed in optics

    i am working on a project related to illumination and i need to diverge rays of the sun using plano concave lens. so, i need to find out how the angle of deviation relates to the curvature of the lens and the material of the lens please help me
  5. O

    Angle Of Deviation - An Optics Problem, help needed in optics

    hello, how can i find out the angle of deviation for plano-concave lenses. thanks