Recent content by omar alaa

  1. O

    Threshold voltage calculation of a CMOS gate

    Hello all, I want to know a suitable way to calculate VTL and VTH of a gate having the gate schematic and constituent transistors SPICE model (NMOS/PMOS models). Is there an easier than doing hand calculations ?
  2. O

    Coupling capacitance between interconnects in VLSI

    Actually I want to do the opposite. I want to increase the capacitive coupling
  3. O

    Coupling capacitance between interconnects in VLSI

    Is there a way to modify the silicon dioxide itself such as doping the dielectric ?
  4. O

    Coupling capacitance between interconnects in VLSI

    No I'm not talking about dielectric in transistors (sorry for not clarifying), I'm talking about parallel plate capacitor. I want to increase its capacitance, but I don't have control over goemetries..I can just modify the dielectric. I was wondering if I can increase the dielectric constant...
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    Coupling capacitance between interconnects in VLSI

    Is there a way to increase artificially the dielectric constant of a material (i.e. silicon dioxide) ?
  6. O

    Coupling capacitance between interconnects in VLSI

    Hello all, I'm trying to measure the effect of adding charges in the silicon dioxide separating two interconnects in VLSI circuits and how it will effect the coupling capacitance between these two wires. How can I measure this effect ? The VLSI circuit I'm working on has frequency of 500...
  7. O

    Engineering Which Is Better for My Future: Computer Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering?

    and I love this stuff but I'm not interested in pure mechanical systems also what differs me from a mechanical engineer ?
  8. O

    Engineering Which Is Better for My Future: Computer Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering?

    but of course mechatronics engineer will not have a strong background in computing right ? can anyone give me the fields of career of each of them and study ...etc thanks in advance
  9. O

    Engineering Which Is Better for My Future: Computer Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering?

    I'm a first year engineering student and I have to select a major and I'm confused between computer engineering and mechatronics engineering because I love them both so can you help me with any advice and information about their career life , study ,job opportunities ...etc
  10. O

    Job Opp. for Mechatronics & Computer Scientists | Major Choice

    please can anyone tells me the job opportunities and career life offered to mechatronics engineers and computer scientists because I have to choose my major and I'm confused between them as I love them both what other crietria to choose? thanks in advance
  11. O

    Maximizing Car Efficiency: Utilizing Flywheels for Rotational Motion

    ok but will it replace the brakers ,its impossible as how would they convert the great linear kinetic energy of the car into rotational energy in very short time ? would the fly wheels replace fuel and brakes ?
  12. O

    Maximizing Car Efficiency: Utilizing Flywheels for Rotational Motion

    can we convert the linear motion into rotational motion in cars using a fly wheel under the car ?
  13. O

    Programming Advice: Learn Java for Fast Results

    please I want an advice how to be learn programming in the shortest time .I already know java but I want to be a great programmer what to do ?
  14. O

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    masters degree I'm a 1st year engineering student and I'm looking for a scholarship abroad for masters in mechatronics engineering so please give me some advice how to choose a good university in this major and what is the skills needed ,I'm asking this to know what the universities and the...
  15. O

    Computer science vs mechatronics engineering

    I'm interested in robotics and automated system also I love CS but I'm still a 1st year engineering student so I don't have much experience ,I am learning java programming and I see it interesting also I want a decent career so what to do to get a choice ?