Recent content by okaythanksbud

  1. okaythanksbud

    I Does Larmor precession change the force exerted on a magnetic dipole?

    If we have a spinning spherical charge in a nonuniform magnet field that points in one direction (for simplicity lets say B=<0,0,k*z>). Since the magnetic field is nonuniform, there will be a force exerted on the dipole, F=(mu•∇)B=mu_z*k. So in this case we expect it to be constant. This is...
  2. okaythanksbud

    I Question about Stern-Gerlach experiment

    I mean that he didn't say anything about there being different cases. If by case you mean type of particle then yes, an electron was used. I was confusing things I was poorly taught in chem classes with your previous statement that particles with spin j has 2j+1 eigenvalues for spin but...
  3. okaythanksbud

    I Question about Stern-Gerlach experiment

    total spin as in the angular momentum vector. The SG experiment should only determine L•z (= L_z) since the magnetic moment in the direction of the B field should be the only thing that contributes to the force. Im wondering if we can also measure L_y and L_x and if they'd be quantized the same...
  4. okaythanksbud

    I Question about Stern-Gerlach experiment

    My professor said that only two dots are observed, is there a reason for this? Why wouldn't the be more if the spin can take on more values? Also regarding my other question, can we measure the total spin, and does this spin have the same quantization in each dimension (i.e each dimension has...
  5. okaythanksbud

    I Question about Stern-Gerlach experiment

    I just learned about the Stern-Gerlach experiment and have some questions: 1: clearly there's no objective "up" or "down"--the directions are measured relative to the magnetic field, correct? And well always find just 2 spots of equal and opposite distance on the detector, implying the magnetic...
  6. okaythanksbud

    B Extremely elementary questions about QM

    Spin was just an arbitrary example, just the first thing that come to mind when thinking about a measurement besides position/momentum
  7. okaythanksbud

    B Extremely elementary questions about QM

    The point of these questions is to clear up confusion about concepts I’ve read about. I think I worded them poorly. For example, in question 4 I was asking if making a measurement on one quantity (such as position) could tell us anything about another (such as momentum). In the case of these two...
  8. okaythanksbud

    B Extremely elementary questions about QM

    Ah thanks for that, that’s definitely useful for me. However some of my questions aren’t addressed there (some aspects of 2-6 are mentioned but it doesn’t really allude to any answers, as far as I can see)
  9. okaythanksbud

    B Extremely elementary questions about QM

    Im trying to learn QM on my own and I just want to clear some things up. I feel dumb writing some out but Id rather clear my confusion than believe im interpreting what I read correctly. From what I've read, every measurement of a system gives us values that are the eigenvalues of a certain...
  10. okaythanksbud

    I Proving that the Lagrangian of a free particle is independent of q

    One of the first things Landau does in his Mechanics book is give an argument as to why the Lagrangian of a free particle must be our conventional kinetic energy. Heuristically, he justifies it, but leaves out the details, perhaps being too obvious. They aren't obvious to me. While in free space...