Recent content by ofeyrpf

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    Standing Waves and Resonance in Fixed-End Transverse String Vibration

    Hi, Considering a transverse wave on a string fixed at both ends... I understand that a wave summed with its reflection will produce a standing wave at any frequency. Is it correct that this standing wave is resonating only when that standing wave has nodes at each end? (Well not necessarily...
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    Components of standing wave between harmonic frequencies

    Hi, For a wave fixed at both ends, what is the behaviour of the original and refelcted wave between the harmonic frequencies? I understand how a standing wave is created by the superposition of a wave and it;s reflection at a boundary. I also understand that at the fundamental frequency of the...
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    Neutron, proton collision problem

    $$ Nx^2=14y^2+Nz^2\\ \mbox{and}\\ Nz=Nx-14y\\ \mbox{so,}\\ z^2=\frac{(Nx-14y)(Nx-14y)}{N^2}\\ =\frac{N^2x^2-28yNx+196y^2}{N^2}\\ \mbox{substituting this into the first equation gives,}\\ Nx^2=14y^2+N\left(\frac{N^2x^2-28yNx+196y^2}{N^2}\right)\\ 0=Ny^2-2yNx+14y^2\\ 2Nx=y(N+14)\\...
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    Neutron, proton collision problem

    Neutron, Ni, H, collision problem Hi haruspex, Thanks for your reply. Looking back on this post I can't believe how many typos I've made. Yes you are correct it should read... 18. (b) (iii) EK(n) = Ek(Ni) + Ek(n) (1/2)Nux2 = (1/2)14uy2 + (1/2)Nuz2 14uy2 = Nu(x2 - z2) y2 =...
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    Neutron, proton collision problem

    The following problem appeared on the A2 Edexcel Physics unit 4 exam paper January 2012 question 18. The solution, as given by the exam board, is attached. Question: 18. James Chadwick is credited with discovering the neutron in 1932. Beryllium was bombarded with alpha particles, knocking...
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    Sound waves question - vibrations and amplitudes

    I think a little more info is needed for part (iii) because you don't know where it is starting from. Do we want to find the distance it travels after 1 second from it's equilibrium position or from its maximum displacement?
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    Sound waves question - vibrations and amplitudes

    You may want to check your calculation for part (ii) again! I think it is 0.013s
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    Find Tension in Cables for 13 kg & 4 kg Signs

    "g" is not grams in this case, it is 9.8 m/s2. So by 17g I meant 17 x 9.8m/s2.
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    Find Tension in Cables for 13 kg & 4 kg Signs

    I get T1 = 131.3N We agree!
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    Find Tension in Cables for 13 kg & 4 kg Signs

    I think this is correct, I get the same:)
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    Find Tension in Cables for 13 kg & 4 kg Signs

    Hi, I've updated the post above, which might me helpful to you.
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    Find Tension in Cables for 13 kg & 4 kg Signs

    Your T2 is correct. T3 = T4 = 2g Fy: T1sin51 + T2sin38 = 17g this is because the only forces opposing the vertical components of the tensions are the weight of the 13kg and 4kg masses. So the only thing opposing the vertical components of the tension is a combined weight of 17kg which...
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    Capacitor circuit exam question

    Hi CWatter, Thanks for the reply and for looking at this in details. Your help is really appreciated. (b) I understand now that the capacitor charges to the peak voltage and then the charge has nowhere to go and so the voltage across the capacitor is constant. (c) I did not know that a...
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    Capacitor circuit exam question

    Homework Statement Attached is the problem. This is the June 2010 AS Physics exam unit 4 question 16 (Edexcel) Homework Equations See the attachments. The Attempt at a Solution Q 16. (a) The voltage is always positive and so although the current must vary it is always positive and so the...