Recent content by Oerg

  1. O

    What do you call a_ji in relation to a_ij

    Thanks for the help anyway. Just wanted to be sure there isn't a commonly use term for it.
  2. O

    What do you call a_ji in relation to a_ij

    Yes! But is there a shorter accepted term for "corresponding element of the transposed matrix "?
  3. O

    What do you call a_ji in relation to a_ij

    Is there an accepted term for the symmetric counterpart of a matrix element? Tried searching the web but didn't really seem to find such a term mentioned anywhere.
  4. O

    Energy of a non-linearly damped oscillator

    I was reading Strogatz's book on nonlinear dynamics and chaos and in Example 7.2.2, he stated the energy function of the nonlinear oscillator \ddot{x} + (\dot{x})^3 + x = 0 as E(x, \dot{x}) = \frac{1}{2} (x^2 + \dot{x}^2) But isn't this the energy function for the harmonic...
  5. O

    Is It Possible to Find a Romney Voter in an Excited State?

    Has anyone seen this yet? It's really funny! Quantum theory of Mitt Romney.
  6. O

    Rebecca Zahau's death ruled a suicide - bound and with a t-shirt stuffed in her mouth

    wow, the corruption is unbelievable. the sheriff should be investigated.
  7. O

    Walter White - Caltech PhD, Cancer & Meth Cook

    Walter has come a long way haha
  8. O

    Do we see the universe the way it is?

    I think the OP is referring to unfalsifiable theories a la the matrix. Biological limitations in trying to perceive nature the way it actually is. The universe could be created a second ago for all we know.
  9. O

    Videos: time-lapse by Terje Sorgjerd (Mountain and Aurora)

    thanks for sharing, really loved the night sky.
  10. O

    Funny Physics Pictures - Share Yours!

    I found this picture of Einstein while trolling the web and I thought it was quite funny. Anyone has any funny physics pictures to share as well?
  11. O

    Solid angles and Cross sections

    I am not sure what cross section you are trying to find but... an angle is the ratio of the length of the arc to the radius, similarly, the solid angle is the ratio of the area subtended to its radius squared. The area of a part of a sphere is S=\int\int r^2 \sin{\theta} \, d\theta d\phi ...
  12. O

    Homework SolutionQuantum Operators: Pr Y & Pr^2 Y

    there's nothing wrong with the answer, the Y shouldn't be there. Pr^2 Y means operating Pr on Pr Y
  13. O

    Should SAT Scores Be Eliminated from College Admissions?

    If we do not know what these tests measure other than how well you do on iq questions, then isn't it stupid to take the tests and infer conclusions from the results?
  14. O

    Why do some people think women suck at science and math?

    It is quite obvious that presently there are a lot more men than women in science and math and it used to be worse in the past. I think there are a lot of factors in play here, like maybe gender discrimination still has a huge role to play in what society expects of women.
  15. O

    Who is Jacob Barnett and What Makes Him So Special?

    How many of physics's greats were child prodigies? It's still too early to tell if he will amount to anything (relative to the most influential of physicists). Of course being a child prodigy in math is a different story.