Recent content by oddcitations

  1. O

    Why do we care if we offend people?

    I'm not certain why in general we care if we offend people, but if somebody is a teacher, they can't downright say a student is stupid, or repeaditly correct them(in an apathetic "you're stupid" kind of tone") because that's giving negative feedback. You're supposed to inspire students to...
  2. O

    What personality/character traits do you despise in people?

    Some people are better than other people. It's a sad fact that parents don't tell their kids anymore. Egotism can be hard earned and can be an excellent work-place trait for leaders. In my opinion, you don't have to be egotistical to be a good leader. A good leader, is someone who will, say...
  3. O

    Are You Nerdier Than Half the Population?

    18% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 81% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: High-Level Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!. Those are such big lies. :| I'm apart of the group of people in the back row of a classroom being...
  4. O

    How Long Can You Go Without Sleep?

    That is horrible. Wolram, as a typical teenager, my usual sleeping habits run around 3-7 hours. You not sleeping for 72 hours and going, that's - how are not a walking zombie with peircing pain going up your brain every 5 seconds?! To sleep, some things that have worked for me include: Sorting...
  5. O

    What personality/character traits do you despise in people?

    What are some personality/character traits in people that make you want to ring their necks, reach into their guts and wrap it around their body? For me, Someone who is egotistical. I just can't stand it, you think you're the best just because you're, you? Close-minded people. Someone who will...
  6. O

    BBT's Portrayal of Nerds: Offensive or Accurate?

    You do have a point there. Penny makes an amazing nerd. :\ I think it lies in the speed of her speech, coupled with a monotonous quality that makes it so, NERDY. Gilbert doesn't really have that, but, I still think she pulls of snide and apathetic very well. Yeah, Sheldon's pretty epic.
  7. O

    Energy question, involving work, there is a missing variable?

    Ah... That is so ingenius, I love it! Thank you guys very much! :]
  8. O

    Energy question, involving work, there is a missing variable?

    Homework Statement A 613.0 kg mass is placed on a forklift that can generate 950 W of power. What is the constant speed of the forlift while lifting this load? Homework Equations W = F * change in Displacement ( or (F)(change in displacement)(costheta)) W = mg * Change in...
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    BBT's Portrayal of Nerds: Offensive or Accurate?

    I feel Gilbert's acting really isn't that bad. From her original personality(which is that of a nice, interested person) and I think to pull off a snide, detached super-geek would be generally difficult, I mean, to deal with all the fast and long technical jargon. It's not like Twilight, Kristen...
  10. O

    Climbing a Steel Pole in <8 Secs - Ideas?

    I do agree, hire a monkey.
  11. O

    Climbing a Steel Pole in <8 Secs - Ideas?

    FIRST Robotic's team, eh? I am so pumped for competition though! :] GO ROBOTS!
  12. O

    Why is Physics So Hard? Advice to Improve

    You'll do wonderfully!
  13. O

    Please give me some advices on how to date a nerdy guy?

    lily012, I think you may want to engage him in something he truly enjoys. Find out what he likes to do and ask him about it. Try and find out who he is. Then he might feel conflicted as to whether he likes you or not, so, I guess it's good you have patience. :] I guess, once you grow on him...
  14. O

    Schools University of Toronto admissions average

    It probably would, depending on the applications they get. On the plus side, UFT will also be keen to know that you made such progress in one year, but on the down side, they might think you were just doing it for college. They are looking for some consistancy. Hopefully your other credentials...
  15. O

    Medical Lost in the Social and Romantic worlds

    I understand how you feel. I've kinda have the same issue, then I came to some conclusions. Small talk is boring because it really never brings up anything new, testing physic's laws and figuring out mathematical equation's is fun because human's are curious. And quite frankly it's more...