Recent content by obomov2

  1. O

    A differential equation : x^2 * u'' = k*u

    That was nice. Thanks.
  2. O

    A differential equation : x^2 * u'' = k*u

    Other than guessing what is the formal way of solving following types of DE : x^2 * u'' = k*u or more generally : x^n * u'' + x^m * u' = k*u u is a function of x. thanks.
  3. O

    Trouble with dirac delta in R^2

    Find a distribution F in R^2 that satisfies (Dx) F(x,t) = t*Delta(x) It is apperantly not t*H(x) as in R. * is multiplication, D is dirac delta, H is Heavyside , (Dx) is derivation with respect to x (in the sense of distributions) Sorry for not using Latex. Indeed I am trying to...