Recent content by NurseKaren

  1. N

    Struggling with a strange on screen format issue

    HAHA! Thanks but no thanks! (but thanks for the kind words :)
  2. N

    Struggling with a strange on screen format issue

    Hi again, After a few hours struggling and lots of reboots it's finally working yay! I added the device ansi.sys to the config.nt file and my problem disappeared. Article how to do it in case anyone else has the problem...
  3. N

    Struggling with a strange on screen format issue

    Wow, such amazing answers. So helpful, thank you so much. You folk are incredible. *hug*! Will try some next week and see how I go.
  4. N

    Struggling with a strange on screen format issue

    Just the executable. I can't code. Its really old not sure if the source code is still around.
  5. N

    Struggling with a strange on screen format issue

    Okay interesting, thanks for the reply. The program is currently running on a really old Win XP machine and I'm trying to move it on Win7 running on a XP Virtual machine. I'm getting those characters on the new win7 machine.
  6. N

    Struggling with a strange on screen format issue

    Hi, I really hope someone here can help. I'm a nurse and not in the computer field (so I might be doing something dumb). We have a really old fortran system that we keep old history on. I'm trying to move the program onto a new computer. Its been a mission to do, but I've got through most...