Recent content by Nunchi

  1. N

    Self-Study Math: Pre Algebra to Integral Calc all the way through precalc; if you're just as lazy after you finish this as you were when you took my math route advice, you can get his "first course in calculus" book directly after you finish this rip serge
  2. N

    Arguing for the higher grade when you are borderline

    I missed the entire last page of my first biology exam last semester and ended the class with an 89.9X% (she didn't bump it up); that last page was so important (and so easy) that I would have ended with a ~93-94%. The rest of the class was interesting of course, but almost completely...
  3. N

    My physics/love poem - feedback encouraged

    I like it. Before I start reading poetry I always put a cringe face on just to prepare myself, it's a bad habit, but this didn't sustain it.
  4. N

    New Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey 2014 TV Series

    Yeah, if it's anything like the original Cosmos, this is definitely meant solely to be an introduction. Maybe my memory is wrong but I just remember episode 1 of the original Cosmos to be Carl's comforting voice stringing together poetry while flying me around in a spaceship eventually telling...
  5. N

    How do you meet intelligent women?

    I'm still in high school so I don't know if this works in the real world, but breaking the subconscious "touch barrier", hasn't failed me yet. Three for three, sadly, since it's pretty manipulative, I guess. You're friends with a girl. Or maybe acquaintances. She might have put you in the...
  6. N

    Learn Physics from Basics: Ground Up Guide

    I'm not really qualified, but this is what I'm doing now. Apparently if you can absorb "Lang's Basic Mathematics", it holds all the basic math necessary to start Calculus. Then I suggest getting a calculus book - maybe "Lang's First Course in Calculus" and compliment that with an MIT OCW...
  7. N

    Schools Is it alright to take two years off after high school?

    Go study abroad if you've got money. When I was an exchange student in Sweden for a year, most of the kids were taking a year off before uni - it seems that's normal in other parts of the world, at least from what I saw.
  8. N

    Poll: What type of person are you?

    the type that wishes I was one of those or something like that
  9. N

    What would you do if you cannot become a scientist?

    Yeah, probably a cop too. With the hopes of being a homicide detective at some point.
  10. N

    Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell + Spivak's Calculus ?

    Thanks for the advice, you've been tons of help! And yeah, I'm definitely going through the book cover-to-cover once it gets here.
  11. N

    Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell + Spivak's Calculus ?

    Oh jeez, now the background noise to my room will be pouring rain instead of the droning hum of a dehumidifier ^^
  12. N

    Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell + Spivak's Calculus ?

    Thank you both, these are exactly the answers I was looking for! I don't mind the math side of things, so I'll get those two books from Lang. (using physicsforum's amazon link if that still works, of course :D) Along with that, I was thinking about doing this...
  13. N

    Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell + Spivak's Calculus ?

    Basic Mathematics would be sufficient by itself to get started in Calculus? Any specific reason on why you wouldn't recommend precalc in a nutshell? Also, apparently Spivak's Calculus is more for math majors and not for something engineering/physics oriented?
  14. N

    Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell + Spivak's Calculus ?

    "Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell" + "Spivak's Calculus"? Hey, I'm currently a senior in HS attending Elementary Calculus with a decent grade (B+). I recently had an epiphany that I haven't actually learned anything, I've just temporarily memorized how to derive the answer from the set of...
  15. N

    Programs Finding a Major for Genetic Engineering & Cloning

    Simple yet persuasive in the fact that I don't need to plan my every move out at this very moment. Thanks.