Recent content by NukeEng101

  1. N

    Programs Secondary Major to Nuclear Engineering

    I haven't checked on this in awhile! I am actually getting a minor in Mathematics at RPI and I'm gearing it towards more applicable class for NE. I'm a sophomore now and I really enjoyed my first year! I decided to go with RPI for undergrad because I feel as if it has a stronger and more...
  2. N

    How Can I Better Understand Advanced Calculus Proofs?

    I'm a sophomore at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and I'm taking MATH 4600 which is Advanced Calculus. I love the class and it is very interesting, we're taking what we learned in Multivariable Calculus, but just at a much higher level. However, my teacher does a lot of proofs behind why...
  3. N

    Exploring Abstract Algebra: Helpful Links and Practice Problems

    Thank you so much! These sites will be very helpful.
  4. N

    Exploring Abstract Algebra: Helpful Links and Practice Problems

    I was wondering if anyone knew any links on the Internet that help to explain abstract algebra and maybe works through some problems as well. Thank you in advance
  5. N

    Introduction to Abstract Algebra

    Okay thanks, I'll definitely check out the book. Thank you as well. I like to do the proofs and anything of the sort. I just love how precise but yet beautiful how mathematics can be at times and I just wanted to broaden my horizons a little bit.
  6. N

    Introduction to Abstract Algebra

    Also I believe that linear algebra comes before abstract algebra, so if someone could help give a brief introduction to that as well would be great. I am currently a high school senior taking calculus 2 at a college level so I am very interested in the higher math classes and I know there are...
  7. N

    Introduction to Abstract Algebra

    I was wondering if anyone could give me any links or an introduction to abstract algebra. I know that abstract algebra is a tough concept to understand (at least for some people, but it varies from person to person). If anyone could help with the basics of it would be greatly appreciated.
  8. N

    Programs Secondary Major to Nuclear Engineering

    Okay thank you so much. I've just been thinking more about college lately and I was just unsure. I also was accepted into the Penn State University's Nuke E but I've been told that it is not as good as RPI. Even though PSU does have a student reactor on campus. But thank you though, I knew...
  9. N

    Programs Secondary Major to Nuclear Engineering

    Hello! This is my first post and I am a senior at my high school who is attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the fall to major in Nuclear Engineering. I was thinking about double majoring in Mathematics or just minor in it. I was wondering if this major/minor would be of use for my...