Recent content by Noxate

  1. Noxate

    Spivak Ch1, Q8: Deducing Basic Properties of Numbers

    Homework Statement Although the basic properties of inequalities were stated in terms of the collection P of all positive numbers, and < was defined in terms of P, this procedure can be reversed. Suppose that P10-P12 are replaced by (P'10) For any numbers a and b one, and only one, of the...
  2. Noxate

    Elastic Head-On Collision, Spring Compression.

    Homework Statement A 0.60kg cart moving at 5.0m/s[W] collides with a 0.80kg cart moving at 2.0m/s[E]. The collision is cushioned by a spring(k=1200N/m). Homework Equations [W] is Positive PTo=PTf ETo=ETf The Attempt at a Solution PTo=PTf m1v1o+m2v2o=(m1+m2)vf...