Recent content by NoWay1

  1. N

    MHB Show 2 functions have the same anti-derivative

    This must be the answer I needed, thank you
  2. N

    MHB Show 2 functions have the same anti-derivative

    Thanks a lot for the confirmation, way the question was presented was very confusing to me, as if they had to have the same antideravative
  3. N

    MHB Show 2 functions have the same anti-derivative

    So I have to show 2sin^2(x) and -cos(2x) have the same antiderative. Here's how I approached this. 2sin^2(x) = 1-cos2x ==> u = 2x intergral of that is (u - sinu)/2 + c = x - (sinx)/2 + c -cos2x ==> u = 2x intregal of that is (-sinu)/2 + c= -(sin2x)/2 + c Have I calculated/approached this...
  4. N

    MHB Graph Equation: x-|x|=y-|y| - Seeking Help

    Wow, this is the first time I see a whole quadrant being in the graph, I would never have figured that out myself, thanks a lot for your clear explanation!
  5. N

    MHB Graph Equation: x-|x|=y-|y| - Seeking Help

    The equation is x-|x|=y-|y| and I need to make a graph for it. So I thought I should solve it by breaking it down to 4 different equations, which would be - x - x = y - y => 0=0 x - x = y + y => 0=2y => y = 0 x + x = y - y => 2x=0 => x = 0 x + x = y + y => 2x=2y => x = y But this isn't...