Recent content by NovaeSci

  1. N

    Intro Physics How useful is the "with Modern Physics" section of Tipler's Physics?

    Well, it's an extra 8 chapters, but it only spans a couple hundred pages. But, as you said, I guess it probably isn't worth it, compared to learning it from a much more complete source?
  2. N

    Intro Physics How useful is the "with Modern Physics" section of Tipler's Physics?

    It's funny you mention that, as I was also going to ask if it was worth getting Tipler's Modern Physics (link below). I've just googled Elementary Modern Physics, and it seems that Modern Physics is its successor. Would it definitely be worth getting...
  3. N

    Intro Physics How useful is the "with Modern Physics" section of Tipler's Physics?

    I originally owned Tipler's Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics; however, after several house moves, it needed a replacement. So, I bought it again, not realising that the version I bought doesn't have the "Modern Physics" chapters (34-41). How useful are these sections of...
  4. N

    Schools What are the best online physics courses?

    I'm currently studying the MPhys (Hons) in Physics at the Open University, which is distance learning. It is also accredited by the Institute of Physics in the UK, so contains all the core-Physics. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. But below are 3 links if you are...
  5. N

    Intro Physics Best Physics, Algebra, and Trigonometry Textbooks (Modern)

    Stewart's Algebra and Trigonometry: An Applied Approach is a fantastic textbook. It teaches everything normally in an A&T book, whilst also providing ways to apply what you're learning. Another great feature is that there are modelling projects throughout the book, which are great to do as...
  6. N

    Classical Comparing Fundamentals & Principles of Physics 11th Edition Textbooks

    If I can add something here. Principles of Physics and Fundamentals of Physics are the exact same books, just different regions of release. I can, however, explain how they differ: I have seen both copies of the same editions of Principles of Physics, and Fundamentals of Physics. Fundamentals...
  7. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Well with MST124, we will start learning Calculus in the way Stewart does: in an applied manner. I will, however, be studying the follow-up module, which takes Calculus further, along with introducing proofs, so I should hopefully get a good understanding. I will most likely end up getting...
  8. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Thanks for that - I'll definitely give the forum a search for the third edition.
  9. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    It's funny you mention Thomas' Calculus, as this was the third option for me. As mentioned, Stewart's attracted me due to the fact I love the "applied approach" in Algebra & Trigonometry. And, Larson's was the second one that interested me, as it seemed extremely similar to Stewart's, just...
  10. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Again, I'm not after a debate on Calculus textbooks, or the rigour and "understanding" each one gives, as I've said a few times already - I have the OU's material for that. Along with how an understanding of the topic varies between each one, and how people will say things like "Don't study...
  11. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Well, that was my decision on choosing either Stewart's or Larson's. I have Stewart's Algebra & Trigonometry, and I really like how the questions have an "Applied" nature. So, in that sense, I think I'd be more partial the Stewart's Calculus. With Larson's, I was interested in the fact the...
  12. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Fresh 42 - Thank you, from what I've read it seems the version makes a big difference when you are using it for self-study, or it being the main text for your course, if I'm correct? I'm just coming at it from a different angle. The OU's materials are top-notch, and I probably wouldn't need any...
  13. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Fresh-42 - Also, as mentioned, I wasn't looking at recommendations of different authors - I've already done this research. My current purposes, Larson or Stewart is what I'm after to supplement my current course. Spivak will be something I will purchase once I have a good grounding, due the fact...
  14. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Frabjous - I never mentioned editions - they're both the same edition. I asked about whether to purchase the Late Transcendentals or Early Transcendentals version.
  15. N

    Calculus Comparing "Calculus" and "Early Transcendentals" Textbooks for MST124

    Thank you for the link. I gave it a read; however, I can't say I really understood it, due to the fact I don't have any knowledge of the maths they are presenting. What I did get from it is that Late Transcendentals have a problem, due to certain topics feeling like they are presented out of...