Recent content by normana

  1. normana

    Ocean water compression question

    I suspect adding a meter on top is the equivalent of creating a new compressed layer on the bottom since the addition of the water makes the former surface compressed with the weight of the new water on top, the layer that was formerly 1 meter deep is now compressed with 2 meters of water on...
  2. normana

    Ocean water compression question

    To simplify this question, let's say the ocean is 3800 meters deep and 1 meter wide in either direction. Now let's add water equaling 1 cu meter on top. How much higher does the ocean get?
  3. normana

    What is the Scientific Understanding of Gravity?

    If you go with the assumption that gravity (and dark energy) live in its own dimension and space/time is essentially the surface area on this extra dimensional bubble (gravity / dark energy) then: When this extra dimension shrinks, you get the gravity effect on the space time (i.e. space time...