Recent content by Non Euclidean

  1. Non Euclidean

    Other Can a physicist study evolutionary biology? How can I do?

    Hello, I’m an undergraduate physics student. Recently, I recognize that I am interested in evolution and I want to study life’s origin. When I preferred physics, because I want to learn how nature works. Now, I am not only interested in how nature works, also I’m passionate for neuroscience and...
  2. Non Euclidean

    Programs Can a physicist study neuroscience?

    Actually i am not interested in medicine. I preferred physics department , because i was wondering about how does nature work. In recent years, i feel more passionate about how brain works , how we learn and how machines can learn. Of course, Neurologists study brain , especially brain diseases...
  3. Non Euclidean

    Programs Can a physicist study neuroscience?

    Hello, I am a undergraduate student in physics. In the future, i want to be neuroscientist. What can i do?