Recent content by nocks

  1. N

    How to Determine the Sign of the Square Root in ODEs for Photon Orbits?

    The model is of a photon's path around a black hole. The \pm is due to the fact that the photons distance from the black hole can increase and decrease in the same orbit. I've been advised to differentiate dr/d\lambda to get around the \pm but I am unsure as to how this will solve my problem...
  2. N

    How to Determine the Sign of the Square Root in ODEs for Photon Orbits?

    hi there, I'm trying to plot r against \phi by solving the following ODEs using runge-kutta. The problem I'm having is with the square root. How do I know when it will be positive and when it will be negative? If this is a simple question I apologise I'm not that great with the maths :). E and...
  3. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    wow it's been a while since I looked at this project. Thought i'd come back to it :) A few questions. Since I lack a good maths background, I would appreciate some advice on how I would implement these 3 equations into a numerical solver like Euler's or Runge-Kutta to get back some results that...
  4. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    Having a bit of trouble with this but I have p as p = \frac{L^2(2M-r)}{2r^3}
  5. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    Apologies for the lack of basic physics understanding but for a photon on approach what would it's angular momentum be?
  6. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    That would be \frac{d^2r}{d\lambda^2} = - \frac{L^2(3M-r)}{r^4} Which gives me the closest radius for a stable orbit of a photon as 3M
  7. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    Guess I should state that \frac{d}{dr}V^2(r) = \frac{2L^2M}{r^4} - \frac{2L^2(\left 1 - \frac{2M}{r} \right)}{r^3}
  8. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    Given \left( \frac{dr}{d \lambda} \right)^2 &= E^2 - V^2(r) \right) and V^2(r) = \left(1 - \frac{2M}{r} \right)\frac{L^2}{r^2} I have \frac{d^2r}{d\lambda^2} = -\frac{1}{2}\frac{d}{dr}V^2(r)
  9. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    I actually have the numerical recipes book next to me although I may avoid solving the elliptic integral", and just use the approximation for light deflection, i.e. 4GM/bc^{2}, to get the einstein ring effect, and focus on the...
  10. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    Could anyone expand on this please? I would appreciate the help. I have the the effective potential in the schwarzschild metric as (L being angular momentum) V_{eff} = ( 1 - \frac{r_{s}}{r})(mc^{2} + \frac{L^{2}}{mr^{2}}) Would this be enough information to solve for r and \Phi so that I...
  11. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    Given it's been a while since I've done any differentiation, is it simply: \frac{dr}{d \lambda} \right) &= \frac{ E - L}{W \left( r \right)}
  12. N

    Light ray paths near schwarzschild blackhole

    Could you give me some more information on plotting the trajectory on a coordinate map? I've been toying with equations for a while now and not making much progress Thanks
  13. N

    Calculating impact parameter

    Just an interest of mine. It's taking a while to get my head around the maths but I guess I'm slowly getting there.
  14. N

    Calculating impact parameter

    Oh so the impact parameter is the distance parallel to the centre of the black hole at approach from infinty? Now to attempt plotting the trajectory. Is the equation I mentioned above enough for this? (i should mention I am not a physicist)