Recent content by noahfor

  1. N

    Can computers become entertaining conversationalists?

    Maybe no one but you in the world is real or conscious.
  2. N

    Thinking Without Language: Problem Solving Inhibited?

    I believe that feelings that represent things and ideas interact in a way much like those things and ideas interact, and that these feelings are the true language of the mind, and so we can understand how things react without words. Have you ever understood something without words? It's like...
  3. N

    Where to Live? - Exploration of Roatan, Honduras

    If you could go live live anywhere in the world, where would it be. I'm asking because I am going to live somewhere, but I don't know where. Right now I'm looking at Roatan, Honduras.
  4. N

    How would you engineer the perfect human?

    nothing subconscious that affects feelings or thoughts
  5. N

    How would you engineer the perfect human?

    well defined, clear, never fading emotion
  6. N

    Headless cockroaches are alive?

    Do you believe it was consciously alive when it had a head? Computers respond to stimuli. Are they alive?
  7. N

    Headless cockroaches are alive?

    I heard that fact on animal planet. The only reason it dies is it can't drink water with no head.
  8. N

    Brain function, im worried about meds

    i think a big part of thinking is feelings, feelings drive thought, i don't mean happy sad angry, if someone says something and you don't feel what they said then you don't truly understand it, how have ssri's affected your feelings, feelings of understanding, when you know without words, if you...
  9. N

    Brain function, im worried about meds

    ill do that, but i still believe in intelligence no matter what it may be, even if intelligence is just unintentional thoughts that pop into one's head, i call it awareness in the second paragraph of my first post, that's really how i think of it now
  10. N

    Brain function, im worried about meds

    thanks you answered my questions, one other though, ssri's inhibit reuptake of serotonin, reuptake occurs after the serotonin has left the tranmitting cell, so wouldn't that just leave it bouncinh around the synapse causing like false signals to be passed
  11. N

    Brain function, im worried about meds

    I saw a show on MTV, and a girl who had been taking X had big holes in her brain, although they were probably just areas of little or no neural activity and I wasnt paying attention. The statement you have highlighted was in response to Shark saying that SSRIs allow more Serotonin to go from one...
  12. N

    Brain function, im worried about meds

    thanks, actually i think its a current that goes from one end of the neuron to the other, the chemical travels from one neuron to the next im on celexa for depression and anxiety, and xanax for anxiety, the xanax i don't take too often though what does extasy do, i know it puts big holes...
  13. N

    Brain function, im worried about meds

    well the second "paragraph" is in response to a bunch of people arguing about what intelligence is on another board, when really all i wanted to know is if meds would "crack me out", no need to try and be so superior, I am a child your post is error filled you say intelligence is a...
  14. N

    Herbal Supplements to enhance Brain functions

    I would think that the placebo effect would only occur while in a conscious state, but anyway. You want vivid or more memorable dreams, try taking wellbutrin, I mean don't seriously try it, but the dreams are so real or memorable that they are like living, they are not realistic though, I could...
  15. N

    Brain function, im worried about meds

    I took this from another board I posted on. Noone could really answer much of it. Please no debate about what intelligence is. I couldn't find a neuroscience message board, but I have some questions, so I'm hoping someone can answer them here. What exactly makes one intelligent. Is it the...