Recent content by NJV

  1. N

    Pilot Wave Theory: Mechanics Explained

    Still, that leaves the question what form this fundamental entity has. Is it the actual cause of the movement of the particles, or rather, is it the movement of the particles itself? I've found out very little about what to imagine this pilot wave to be. Heck, I don't even know if it's...
  2. N

    Pilot Wave Theory: Mechanics Explained

    I meant that I didn't want people to come up with formulae as an explanation. Formulae describe the behavior of a system. They do not explain it.
  3. N

    Pilot Wave Theory: Mechanics Explained

    What, physically, does a pilot wave in itself consist of? Every source I've found wasted my time with pages upon pages of circumlocution, but none ever got to the point. So please don't cite any other sources. I just want the basic idea of it. I'm referring to the mechanics of the pilot wave...
  4. N

    Apparent Suspension of Gravity

    Look carefully. Of course, the box isn't floating, but it's only barely supported. Is there anything more than just the friction of the box against the shelf that's keeping it from falling? This was my first impression, but despite the lightness of the box I have the feeling I'm missing...
  5. N

    Two-Photon Physics: Creation of Matter & Photon Absorption

    So, this would have to do more with the current technology available to extract the energy from antimatter than with the fundamental nature of the antimatter reactions itself? Ideally, you could effectively get 100% energy conversion out of antimatter?
  6. N

    Two-Photon Physics: Creation of Matter & Photon Absorption

    Apparently, that would be the case only in the combination of nucleons and antinucleons: "Not all of that energy can be utilized by any realistic propulsion technology, because as much as 50% of energy produced in reactions between nucleons and antinucleons is carried away by neutrinos in these...
  7. N

    Two-Photon Physics: Creation of Matter & Photon Absorption

    Elegantly explained! So in theory, (if the theory is correct) the photons would be lost in the process, much like the positron and electron in the reverse process. Thanks. :) So, the photons can produce almost any kind of matter? Most particles have an antiparticle, and combining the two will...
  8. N

    Two-Photon Physics: Creation of Matter & Photon Absorption

    I read that when two photons interact with sufficient energy, matter is created. Are the photons absorbed in the process?
  9. N

    Electric Potential Earth and Sun?

    I suppose that decisively settles it. Thanks for your reply, starstrider!
  10. N

    Electric Potential Earth and Sun?

    Hm. Has that in any way been verified? It would certainly debunk Velikovsky's myths. A friend of mine is fascinated by them.
  11. N

    Electric Potential Earth and Sun?

    Yes, I thought that too when I read that. Although then again, protons have far greater mass and therefore require more energy to be expelled. Furthermore, despite its heat the sun isn't all fluid, with the core having a density 150 times that of water. I've read photons take about a million...
  12. N

    Electric Potential Earth and Sun?

    Velikovsky believes that Venus was ejected from Jupiter and similar peculiarities, based on ancient mythologies. It's kind of interesting, but not scientific.
  13. N

    Electric Potential Earth and Sun?

    Reading about Velikovsky's pseudoscience, I wondered what the values of the Earth and sun's electric potential really are?
  14. N

    Optimizing Lead Shielding for Gamma Radiation Protection

    Thank you for the information. The equation proves useful.
  15. N

    Optimizing Lead Shielding for Gamma Radiation Protection

    What thickness of lead is needed to neutralize brief exposure to gamma radiation, or at least reduce it to below 5 gray?