Recent content by niz

  1. N

    When is Moment Reduced in Reinforced Concrete Design?

    thank you so much for your help :)
  2. N

    When is Moment Reduced in Reinforced Concrete Design?

    what about cantilever beam and cantilever arm? do we make moment reduction for these two cases as well? or...because of the safty we dont..?
  3. N

    When is Moment Reduced in Reinforced Concrete Design?

    Hi! I'm having some difficulty trying to clear some things when designing r.concrete slab and beam. My question is : when do you reduce moment ? I am aware we reduce moment over support...but when that support is in middle of beam .(continuous beam) For simply supported beam we don't make...
  4. N

    Preparing Clay Core for Building a Dam

    so any of you guys know this? i would really appreciate all help!
  5. N

    Preparing Clay Core for Building a Dam

    unfortunately there is no option there for my language (Bosnian) :( i am hoping someone will know what i am talking about and give me the right word in English , usually when translating technical words they use word closest to the language and rarely the exact translation
  6. N

    Preparing Clay Core for Building a Dam

    Hi! I have one question about dams When building a dam with clay core you must prepare that core ( so the moisture would be optimal , geomechanical characteristics would be satisfied and that sort of things,don't have time to elaborate all) I have heard on lectures that there are two ways to...
  7. N

    Engineer Role in Wastewater Treatment | Civil Engineering

    Hi! I searched web but couldn't find the answer. I need to draw something like a diagram of The Role Of The Engineer in Wastewater threatment .. btw. i am studying Civil engineering.. it would really help me if you just gave me link of some page with something like this.. I searched all...
  8. N

    Calculating pH and Ionization of Aspirin Solutions

    hmmm well formula goes.. pH=-log[H+] am not sure what about aspirine...i am is Ka also meant as concentration of H+ ?? if yes ...then pH=-log[H+] pH=-log(3.0 x 10^-4)=3.5228 and it is acid...but wouldn't say that weak
  9. N

    Help with Civil Engineering Chemistry Homework

    Hi everyone! First of all let me say how happy i am that there is such a place where i can ask help with homework. I am studing civil engineering and i am having problems with chemistry :frown: :shy: I got homework to do and i finished all the tasks except this one and i would reallllyyyy be...