Recent content by Nikolai01

  1. N

    I Question on the horizon problem

    Yeah, what I was struggling with is how two different points light-years apart could get the "go" signal at the absolutely same time (at least from the perspective of our observation point) . Granted, that is a perspective of movement and a speed that is forbidden within the universe while this...
  2. N

    I Question on the horizon problem

    I agree, which is why I wanted to bounce my thoughts off of others who have discussed the field in more depth and get feedback. ;-) Got it...I've been working mostly off Liddle's Intro to Modern Cosmology. When he presented the horizon problem, I read it as being a 2-fold problem: 1) How...
  3. N

    I Question on the horizon problem

    Great, thanks. Always good to remember it as a mathematical singularity, it's to easy to just fall into the trap of imaging the big bang as just an uber-point black hole running in reverse. I had two thoughts/questions about the necessity of inflation to help solve the horizon problem. The...
  4. N

    I Question on the horizon problem

    Hi Physics Forums, I had a question on the horizon problem (explanation for apparent thermal equilibrium between distal points on the CMB, anisotropies notwithstanding). Just as background, I just have an amateur interest in cosmology with no formal training (biophysist by training and...
  5. N

    Suggestion for cosmology overview

    I was wondering if I could get suggestions for good general-background book on cosmology and the development/evolution of the universe. This is for myself, and I'll leave any more specifics to the topics open as I'd be look into whatever suggestions I receive. I'm a biophysicist, and back in...