Recent content by Nietzsche_Keen

  1. Nietzsche_Keen

    Graduated No job yet. How can I stay current/relevant?

    ISA and LinkedIn are proving to be great resources.
  2. Nietzsche_Keen

    Possible to turn Android phone into Wii style remote?

    Thanks so much! I don't know what most of that stuff is, but I look forward to learning!
  3. Nietzsche_Keen

    What's in an electronics hobbyist's toolbox?

    This is a great thread! I'm fresh out of school and hoping to break into the Controls, Calibration and Electronics field and I never could get an exhaustive list of what I would need. Usually the only answer I get is "DMM and wire strippers". Thanks everyone for the replies and insight.
  4. Nietzsche_Keen

    Possible to turn Android phone into Wii style remote?

    I can find instructions and videos everyone for how to control a remote control car with buttons on a smartphone screen. However, what I'M hoping to do is control an arduino equipped motorized car using the gyroscope and accelerometer contained within the phone. I have found the Wireless IMU...
  5. Nietzsche_Keen

    Engineering Mech./Elec. Engineering Related Volunteer Ideas?

    Cool idea! I'll make my own youtube symposium, lol.
  6. Nietzsche_Keen

    Engineering Mech./Elec. Engineering Related Volunteer Ideas?

    Lol, well I was looking for volunteer ideas more so than project ideas, but that is an interesting one that seems to be right at my pay grade. I can't tell you the number of times I've THOUGHT a battery was charging when it wasn't. As they get old, the don't hold a charge very well or they won't...
  7. Nietzsche_Keen

    Engineering Mech./Elec. Engineering Related Volunteer Ideas?

    Seeking some ideas for volunteer opportunities (with which to boost my resume and experience level). One idea I've had is to pick an issue then design and build a mechanical/electrical solution. I obviously won't be presenting at any symposiums, but maybe I could build a beginner's portfolio...
  8. Nietzsche_Keen

    A philosophy friendly discipline?

    As a past philosophy major myself. I think ANY of the social sciences would be a great transition. If you've taken any type of logic, epistemology and philosophy of mind classes they would be a great help. Those help you develop theories and break down everything to an elemental level.
  9. Nietzsche_Keen

    Graduated No job yet. How can I stay current/relevant?

    ISO-9001. I was just thinking. Would it be worth pursuing a Six Sigma certification at this point in my career? The highest I can go is a Yellow Belt since I do not have a project to work on. I have heard that Lean and ISO-9001 will probably replace Six Sigma in the near future. Anyone have...
  10. Nietzsche_Keen

    What intinitally got you interested in physics?

    I've always enjoyed building and designing contraptions, etc. I got involved with civil engineering and construction and hated it. For years I couldn't decide what I wanted to do. I decided one job I'd always toyed around with was Bio-medical Equipment technician as it would let me "tinker" in...
  11. Nietzsche_Keen

    Graduated No job yet. How can I stay current/relevant?

    Thanks! I'm excited to attend any meetings possible. It would be nice just to meet more experienced people in my general field. Thanks again for the good information. The professional organizations are a new world for me.
  12. Nietzsche_Keen

    Graduated No job yet. How can I stay current/relevant?

    Thanks Jake, I'm already a member of both organizations. They have a lot of great info indeed. I just wish the certifications and courses weren't so expensive, lol. On that note, ISA DOES have an affordable symposium within driving distance. I'm considering going, but have never been to anything...
  13. Nietzsche_Keen

    Newly Graduated in Mississippi

    Greetings everyone. I'm here to introduce myself. I plan to be an active member in this forum or at least as active as is seemly. I'm not an engineering, but I have definite aspirations to earn a B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering. As of today, I have A.A.S. degrees in Instrumentation Technology...
  14. Nietzsche_Keen

    Graduated No job yet. How can I stay current/relevant?

    First post in the forums. Looking forward to some great conversations. I took my ultimate exam for an A.A.S. in Instrumentation Technology, Electronics, and Bio-medical Equipment Repair Technology. I have an internship at a hospital SUPPOSEDLY scheduled to start in a month. I have plans to...