Recent content by nicoo

  1. N

    A Spectrum of an algebra (Alain Connes paper)

    Here is a talk that addresses precisely your question.
  2. N

    Dark matter -- particles or modified gravity?

    MOND/TeVeS is not the only alternative to real dark matter. For example Mimetic Dark Matter may gain some echo in the next months
  3. N

    Loop-and-allied QG bibliography

    Connes gave a 2-hour lecture about those recent papers with Chamseddine and Mukhanov to the HIM this week. The video is already on Youtube:
  4. N

    Detect planets in solar systems like ours

    Hi, With today's technologies, if our exact solar system were at a few light-years from us, could we detect its planets ? /Nico
  5. N

    Big Rip implies new Big bang ?

    I agree Not sure to follow you here If space enpansion rate is great enough to not let the virtual particles recombine and annihilate (because once created they are already too far from each other to recombine), then why would it not look like a creation of particles ? (this would happen...
  6. N

    Big Rip implies new Big bang ?

    Thanks skydivephil, interesting article indeed. I would be nice to have more info about how they make things to contact and if they have considered the expansion as a factor to possibly separate virtual particles..
  7. N

    Big Rip implies new Big bang ?

    I am not questionning whether the Big Rip scenario is right or wrong, in my question I suppose it is right. If the expansion rate grows exponentially, at some point it should be strong enough to separate virtual particles/anti-particlues. So suddently the Universe would be full of particles...
  8. N

    Big Rip implies new Big bang ?

    Hi, In the "Big Rip" scenario, the expansion of spacetime increases exponentially. As a result, it will torn apart galaxies, later the system solar, then the Earth itself, atoms... If the expansion keeps on increasing, at some point would it be strong enough to separate virtual particles...
  9. N

    Hearing a drum's shape as approach to quantum gravity (Kempf)

    I see some similarities with Connes's approach via non-commutative geometry. Connes says you can actually completely reconstruct the shape if in addition of its spectrum you also have additional invariants given by non-commutative geometry. Have a look at this talk (the issue of the spectral...
  10. N

    Status of the Complex Singlet Extensions? Spectral Action and Gravitational effects at the Planck scale Agostino Devastato (Submitted on 20 Sep 2013) We discuss the possibility to extend the spectral action up to energy close to the Planck scale, taking also into account the gravitational effects given...
  11. N

    Is String Theory the Monopolistic Theory in Modern Physics?

    Is this for non-extremal black holes ? AFAIK LQG recovers (non-extremal) BH entropy for non-extremal BH...
  12. N

    Mannheim's conformal gravity vs Dark Matter

    I have recently been quite impressed by Mannheim's work on Conformal Gravity. He claims to reproduce the rotation of a sample of 141 galaxies without any need of Dark Matter. In particular, in 1211.0188 its predictions seem to match extremely well to the experimental data. Galactic rotation...
  13. N

    Beyond the noncommutative standard model

    You may find some insights in here Why the Standard Model Ali H. Chamseddine, Alain Connes (Submitted on 25 Jun 2007) The Standard Model is based on the gauge invariance principle with gauge group U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) and suitable representations for fermions...
  14. N

    Status of the Complex Singlet Extensions?

    They build upon Chamseddine-Connes' resilience paper. Grand Symmetry, Spectral Action, and the Higgs mass Agostino Devastato, Fedele Lizzi, Pierre Martinetti (Submitted on 1 Apr 2013) In the context of the spectral action and noncommutative geometry approach...
  15. N

    Does Connes spectral model solves the Hierarchy problem?

    I was surprised to read that NCG model à la Connes still may suffers from the Hierarchy problem. Supersymmetric QCD in the Noncommutative Geometry AFAIK, in the Spectal Model the Higgs and top quark masses are computed. So they are direct consequences of the...