Recent content by Nicole924

  1. N

    Calculating Time for a Swimmer to Cross a River Using Pythagorean Theorem

    Okay, I got the right answer with those numbers, but he swam 800ft total, not 400ft. Is the x2 in the equation to account for there-and-back?
  2. N

    Calculating Time for a Swimmer to Cross a River Using Pythagorean Theorem

    Using vs= 2f/s, I got 327s. (??) It would seem that, using the Pythagorean theorem, I would calculate that he's swimming √3 ft/s relative to the land, for a distance of 800ft total, so 800/√3= 461 seconds- which is what I'm looking for. However, our professor told us to use that relativity...
  3. N

    Calculating Time for a Swimmer to Cross a River Using Pythagorean Theorem

    Homework Statement A river is 400 feet wide and flows at 1 ft/s. A swimmer swims at 2 ft/second, straight across the river and back to where he started on the original shore. Find the time required to complete his trip. To clarify, the turn around point is straight across the river. (I have...