Recent content by Nick20

  1. N

    What are some of your favorite science-fiction novels?

    I like Star Wars! More spesifically I really like the Bane triology. I have long been really fascinated by the sith and the ways of the dark side. This triology is from the old republic era and covers Darth Bane's journy from a cortosis miner to a dark lord of the sith. He learns that the...
  2. N

    Sci-fi FTL and hyperspace jumps and their worries

    Very good point, this is the kind of answer I was looking for. Thank you.
  3. N

    Sci-fi FTL and hyperspace jumps and their worries

    no, sorry, I'm not too good at explaining exactly what I mean. This is why I was not quite sure where to put this. I'm not looking for any justification, I know what it is, why they use it. I really just wanted to take that idea into the real world and see how it really is.
  4. N

    Sci-fi FTL and hyperspace jumps and their worries

    I didn't really know where to put this, so I just put it here. What I wanted to discuss was the following: often in sci-fi movies or series they have the capability to travel faster than light one way or another. Whether it is by means of FTL, hyperspace, wormholes or whatever they always...
  5. N

    How Do You Solve This Integral Using Partial Fractions and U-Substitution?

    Don't worry, I didn't :) I just forgot to write it here :)
  6. N

    How Do You Solve This Integral Using Partial Fractions and U-Substitution?

    Sooo if I say: ∫(x+2+3)/((x+2)^2+4)dx and substitute x+2 with u, and dx with du ∫(u+3)/(u^2+4)du am I on the right track? I'll have it done in a minute and check the answer. thanks. ************EDIT**************** lots of stuff happened and then: 1/2 ln((x+2)^2+4) +...
  7. N

    How Do You Solve This Integral Using Partial Fractions and U-Substitution?

    Hey! Need some help on an integral I've been trying to solve. I haven't been working enough with my math, so I am working on catching up before finals.. I was working with partial fractions and u substitution when I couldn't figure this one out: ∫(x+5)/(x^2+4x+8)dx it's not that hard...
  8. N

    A question about the equivalence principle.

    Thank you. :smile: I really find physics quite interresting, and I have been doing some thinking of my own. I don't have much of an education though. I'll be 20 years old in october, and I've had 2 years of basic physics. Now this particular task puzzled me and really got me to wonder what was...
  9. N

    A question about the equivalence principle.

    I had a physics test at school recently. One of the questions was based on the equivalence principle, going something like this: Two clocks in a spaceship that is accelerating. One at the bottom and one at the top of the space ship. Now think that the spaceship is so far away from any object in...