Recent content by newtomath

  1. N

    Is My Approach to Solving the 3rd Order IVP Correct?

    Thanks. sorry for the confusion, by y1 and y 2 I meant the "right side" of t( at^2 +bt + Cte^t)
  2. N

    Is My Approach to Solving the 3rd Order IVP Correct?

    a 3rd order IVP I am havin trouble with: y''' -3y'' +2y' = t + e^t y(0)=1, y'(0)= -.25 y''(0)= -1.5 I am using At^2 and B*e^t *t as my Y1 and Y2. Is this correct?
  3. N

    Solving Characteristic Equation: y'''-y''+y'-y=0

    I am stuck on solving for the roots of a charactristic equation: y'''- y''+y'-y=0 where I set r^3-r^2+r-1=0 and factored out r to get r*[ r^2-r +1] -1 =0 to get the real root of 1. How can I solve for the compex roots?
  4. N

    Why is my particular solution not matching with the book's answer?

    Given t^2 y'' -t(t+2)y' = (t+2)y= 2t^3 and y1= t, y2= te^t Find the particular solution- I ve worked the problem to [ -2t^2 -2t] by: -t * Integral [ 2t* te^t/ t^2e^t] + te^t * Integral [ 2t^2/ t^2e^t] whereas the book states that it is simply -2t^2. Can you guys tell me where I made...
  5. N

    ODE- not sure if this is correct

    Thanks. My mistake, the second term is (x^2/2) , not (x^2/2)e^(2xy)
  6. N

    ODE- not sure if this is correct

    The problem is : (y*e^(2xy) +x) + [ b* x*e^(2xy) ] y' =0. Find b so the equation is exact and solve. I found b=1 and worked the problem to (1/2)e^(2xy) + (x^2/2)e^(2xy) + h(y); where I found h(y) to be simply c. The answer in the text states that e^(2xy) + x^2 =c Would I be...
  7. N

    Finding the integrating factor

    Thanks. I figured that (Nx-My)/M did the trick
  8. N

    Finding the integrating factor

    I am having trouble with the below: [ 4* (x^3/y^2) + (3/y)] dx + [3*(x/y^2) +4y]dy=0 I found My= -8x^3y^-3 - 3y^-2 and Nx= 3y^-2 i then subtracted Nx from My and divided by [3*(x/y^2) +4y] [-8x^3y^-3 - 6y^-2] / [3*(x/y^2) +4y]. can you guys give me a hint as to where my error is?
  9. N

    Solve ODE Exact Equations: Initial Value Problem

    Thanks. I found c to be 7. But the answer in the text states y as = (x + sqrt(28-3x^2))/2. Do you have any idea how they manipulated into that?
  10. N

    Solve ODE Exact Equations: Initial Value Problem

    Can you guys point me in the right direction on the problem below? Solve the given initial value problem and determine at least approx. where the solution is valid: (2x-y)dx + (2y-x)dy= o, y(1)=3 So I have My =-1 and Nx= -1 x^2-xy+ h(y) => -x+h'(y) = 2y-x => h(y)= y^2 => x^2...
  11. N

    Trouble Solving y'+2y=g(t): Seeking Guidance

    should be undefined correct?
  12. N

    Trouble Solving y'+2y=g(t): Seeking Guidance

    I am having trouble with part of this question: y'+2y= g(t) where g(t) =1 for 0<t<1 and g(t)= 0 t>1 and y(0)=0 I found y= 1/2 - (1/2 * e^-2t) for 0<t<1 but am having trouble with g(t)= 0. I know y = Ce^-2t. y(0)=0 doesn't apply here since t>1 correct? Can you point me in the right...
  13. N

    Resolve Initial Value Problem | Find y0 for Diverging Solutions

    @LC youre right, thanks. I am a little rusty in my integral rules. Got it now