Recent content by newbie12321

  1. newbie12321

    B Wedge constraint relations

    Got it. Thanks a lot.
  2. newbie12321

    B Wedge constraint relations

    If the component of relative velocity between the rod and the wedge parallel to the contact surface is non-zero, would the rod not slide off the edge of the wedge, and lose contact with it as a result?
  3. newbie12321

    B Wedge constraint relations

    Like I have said in my post, if the component of relative velocity between the rod and the wedge parallel to the contact surface is non-zero, the rod will slide off the edge and will lose contact with the wedge as a result. That's what got me wondering as to why there is no constraint on their...
  4. newbie12321

    B Wedge constraint relations

    My question is, is there no constraints on their velocities parallel to the contact surface?
  5. newbie12321

    B Wedge constraint relations

    There’s a rigid rod pushing on a wedge. Velocity of the rod is v, which is vertically downwards, and the wedge is sliding to the right as a result with a velocity u. There is zero friction on the surface of the wedge and the surface of the rod in contact with the wedge. According to wedge...