Recent content by New|c

  1. N

    Can students taking engineering maths cope with the physics maths?

    hi guys, got a problem down here. I am a student majoring in electronics engineering. Will there be any problem if i switch? thanks
  2. N

    How to send a self develop theory for publication or copyright?

    what do you mean by peer reviewed journal? thanks guys
  3. N

    How to send a self develop theory for publication or copyright?

    u mean that i shld get it copy right..and get it publish at some journel like america journal of physics?
  4. N

    How to send a self develop theory for publication or copyright?

    i have a paper on probabilities. What shld i do? i am in singapore. do i send for copyright or what sort of route i shld take.
  5. N

    What would you change if you could time travel to the Wild West?

    i will go back and seek guidance from Newton and einstein..and will promote peace and prevent WW2. Its simply our wrong placement of contention and greed has lead to wars. I hope the pple who started war regretted what they have done...
  6. N

    Do Particles Behave Like Cars on the Road?

    thanks..i am just wondering. ITs elementary particle.
  7. N

    Is there any qns that worth a nobel?

    if the world is to come up with a theory that is of realistic and importance as GR. How will the approval be like? There must be some experiment to verify it rite..
  8. N

    Its there a subject on geometry with possibility?

    I am wondering if this area is fully recognized in education system, In singapore, i do not hear of it that at all.
  9. N

    Do Particles Behave Like Cars on the Road?

    hello guys, does particles have behave like cars on the road?
  10. N

    Defining 'Truth': A Puzzling Quandary

    its newic, its pronouce as new-wic. Yes, its my point of view. I am based in Singapore, tropical type you know.
  11. N

    Defining 'Truth': A Puzzling Quandary

    my point of view.. truth cannot be define actually, but can be related to whatever that you have learn and understand. Example, to a cave man. his truth is that fire is a god or someone upthere. But actually, its combustion. That is what we think it is, so we might actually get it wrong also. So...
  12. N

    Is there any qns that worth a nobel?

    can anyone define mBR?
  13. N

    Is there any qns that worth a nobel?

    how abt another a paper on theory of probability? based on a universe m0del?
  14. N

    Is there any qns that worth a nobel?

    wondering if there is any field that needs a revolution in theory..thanks
  15. N

    Can light enegry or waves affects sound waves?

    oh thanks meson. i have been reading up on GR and hyperspace for a while. But i have not touched much on the calculations part yet, but i am considering the idea of using sound as a point of view instead of light. Simply means that even we humans used light as an reference point, what will it be...