Recent content by netefficacy

  1. N

    Noob to PF, Quantum Foam question triangles?

    Not much high level formal coursework. College Calculus, high school physics. Self-taught though in stats and differential equations and QM and chemistry via web/MIT Open Courseware etc.
  2. N

    Noob to PF, Quantum Foam question triangles?

    What is the difference between QM and microphysics? I saw that term recently. Free will is at the core of what I am looking into from a legal perspective.
  3. N

    Noob to PF, Quantum Foam question triangles?

    Thanks for the clarification. This reminds me (as a non-scientist) of the dichotomy paradox (one of Zeno's). Involving halving distances.
  4. N

    Noob to PF, Quantum Foam question triangles?

    Thank you thank you! CDT is exactly what I was trying to locate. Another poster mentioned that I should get up to speed on Wave Mechanics. It sounds like you are familiar with CDT, can you recommend a basic curriculum of math/physics in order to get to CDT? I am proficient at things, so...
  5. N

    Noob to PF, Quantum Foam question triangles?

    Hi Simon, Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I googled some more and found this: that refers to what I read a while ago. There is a paper but I am not registered yet to download. I understand that QM is highly speculative and my interest...
  6. N

    Noob to PF, Quantum Foam question triangles?

    Hi I am a noob on here, first post. Not a physicist by any stretch, but am researching the quantum mind and a while ago came across a paper that proposed that the quantum foam (if that is the correct term, maybe spacetime?) was geometrically just a bunch of triangles. If anyone can post a link...