Recent content by nenyan

  1. N

    How to judge the singularity of a matrix in numerical method?

    Summary: different methods give different results. They are not consistent. Summary: different methods give different results. They are not consistent. I use two different methods to detect whether a matrix is singular. The result of calculating the determinant of a 9-order square matrix is...
  2. N

    I Magnetic Charges & Lorentz Invariance: Finding Papers

    How to find some papers on Lorentz invariant extensioning of standard electromagnetism that include magnetic charges
  3. N

    A The Mystery of the Minus Sign in Geometry, Topology, and Physics

    I am reading GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY AND PHYSICS written by MIKIO NAKAHARA (second edition). I have a problem on page 400. I wonder why the sign is minus in Eq. (10.85). And the same problem appears on page 405 in Eq.(10.108). I think it should be minus one half.
  4. N

    Trace of Eq.(A.4) - Can Anyone Help?

    Oh, I see. Thank you very much, fzero.
  5. N

    Trace of Eq.(A.4) - Can Anyone Help?

    Thank you fzero! Could you please give me some detail? How to get $$ \partial_i\partial_j \hat{h}^r_{ij} + 2 \partial^4 \epsilon = 2 \partial^2\alpha.$$ from $$\delta\hat{h}^r_{ii} + 2 \partial^2 \epsilon = 6 \alpha,$$ And how to get the frist line of (A.5). Actually, I do not understand the...
  6. N

    Trace of Eq.(A.4) - Can Anyone Help?

    Is there anyone can give me a hand? When I read this paper I can not get Eq.(A.5) from (A.4). Why it is ##4\alpha##? If we take the trace of Eq.(A.4), why not it give us ##6\alpha##? Eq. (A.3): [Edited by a mentor to fix a small problem in the Latex...
  7. N

    Is It Possible to Independently Vary Kij in Both Methods?

    Thank you. I see. Kij=gimgjnKmn I should consider another Kij here.
  8. N

    Is It Possible to Independently Vary Kij in Both Methods?

    I got the result that is consist with references in fisrt case. Is there anything wrong in 2nd way?
  9. N

    A question on calculus of variations

    Yes. It's the transformation from x to x'. δ is Variational symbol.
  10. N

    A question on calculus of variations

    Homework Statement δ (∂x'^μ/∂x^β)=0 This equation is on my textbook. I don't quite understand. Where x'^μ is coordinate component. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  11. N

    How to understand gravitational potential

    Thank you Peter. I kind of understand...
  12. N

    How to understand gravitational potential

    Could you please explain it in detail? Why I run into problems? What is field strength? In my opinion, it is a parameter to describe a property of the field. The property is belong to the field, it is the nature feature of the field. dF/dQ is determined by the EM filed itself and has nothing...