Recent content by neildownonme

  1. N

    Minimum requirements for international publications

    Hi, I'm just wondering what are the minimum requirements for an international publication/conference/proceedings. E.g. impact factor
  2. N

    How to solve magnetic field using differential form?

    is there any general way? i mean i know how to do it in integra form but the course I am taking right now requires me to do it in differential method
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    Why is the Moon Drifting Away from Earth?

    why is the moon drifting away from the earth? isn't it general relativity suggests that itll move towards the earth?
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    Why does mass bend spacetime in a single plane?

    ahh, that all makes sense now. thanks a lot! :)
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    Why does mass bend spacetime in a single plane?

    oh wow that's really a better picture :) but why do planets spiral in a single plane then?
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    Why does mass bend spacetime in a single plane?

    well yeah i understand that in general theory of relativity is about bending of space time. but why does the bending of spacetime itself is not relative? i mean look at these photos, why does spacetime was bended that way? why not sidewards? why not on top? just want to know why. thanks :)