Recent content by Necrosis

  1. N

    I am in 8th grade and I am stuck on a simple physics question

    :-p That sounds suspiciously like the story in the beggining of "The Princess Bride"
  2. N

    Thermal expansion of lead sphere

    Now you want to cancel out whatever you can, like your L_os, substitute in the co-efficients of Linear thermal expansion, and solve for Delta T, after that you should be able to find what temp they mesh well together...;)
  3. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    No problem. Do you know something about repeated doses of radiation as compared to a single large dose? When the small doses eventually add up to almost the same (we'll call it the same for this question) amount as the large dose?
  4. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    Appearantly you don't like to read everything...and yes I do have a wife.
  5. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    I never meant to state that it was an individual risk, and If I did, I am sorry, but 8 more people is still 8 more people. :Shrug:
  6. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    I agree, it looks like, to me, that it is capping for the first assumption, I'm not sure I can give you a knowledgeable answer as I don't know that much about the bodies reaction to repeated doses of radiation as compared to one large dose of radiation.
  7. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    Well, I don't know what problem you have with me, but let me make this perfectly clear for you and any other person who loves to interpret words as what they don't mean but could mean; I would want to know the risk, even if it meant all that would happen is my hair would stand on end. I do...
  8. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    ehh, personal opinion like I said, I think at least. I would still like to know the risks no matter how small, even if it only caused diarreah(sp?)
  9. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    That's cool, please do clarify when you find it. I guess this is just kind of a personal opinion thing though, I personally would want to know the risks, and I even think it might be kind of fun to bring up with friends right afterwords, but I would still want to know, especially if say, said...
  10. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    my bad, interposed percentage figures, I meant .08% which is from the original post. And for such a potentially dangerous illness, I find that signifigant.
  11. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    But you do have a 7% increase of chance in developing cancer later in life, and isn't that just like a fire in our cells(abstractly put)?
  12. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    If you bought a new car, but that car had a 7% risk of catching on fire, wouldn't you want to know? The car company may determine it not enough risk to tell the customer, and when it does happen, they can pay whatever suing fee or possible medical and mechanical bills, but I would at least want...
  13. N

    Are CT Scans More Dangerous Than We Thought?

    Ok, so I don't think most those numbers are that bad, but I do have a problem with the 7% of patients being informed of these side effects. The benefits outweigh the risk in most cases as stated earlier, but wouldn't you want to know the risks before going through one of these procedures? Or...
  14. N

    Generate Silence: Can We Attain Total Quiet?

    you watched batman beyond didn't you...:P To be truthfull, I can't help you, I just couldn't resist posting though...;)
  15. N

    Centripetal force and friction problem

    alright, so doing all of that, I got 44.9 seconds. That seems more reasonable. I must say, you are awesome, but I have one final request for you so that I can more fully understand this, I will private message you this...Thanks!