Recent content by nazzard

  1. N

    Photo Contest - O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree (12/7-12/13)

    Merry Christmas! :smile:
  2. N

    PF PHOTO CONTEST - She Blinded Me With Science (11/23-11/29)

    I was going through a "stack" of old photos and found one showing a" . :smile:
  3. N

    Silicon Carbide Thermal Shock Parameter: 167C Explained

    I'm not familiar with the subject but I've found a lecture by Steve Roberts (Oxford) that might be helpful: Take a look at "Handout 3: Crack growth and thermal shock", page 3. Regards, nazzard
  4. N

    What Is the Correct Inverse Laplace Transform of \( \frac{s+1}{s^2 - 4s + 4} \)?

    Hello cabellos, I get the same result as your calculator. You might have made a mistake while using the partial fractions method. \frac{s+1}{s^2-4s+4}=\frac{s+1}{(s-2)^2}=\frac{1}{s-2}+\frac{3}{(s-2)^2} Regards, nazzard
  5. N

    Curl and Cauchy-Riemann Conditions problem

    Hello Saketh, to get \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial y} you need to use the fact that div V = 0 for incrompressible liquids. This follows from the continuity equation: \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla(\rho\,\textbf{V})= 0...
  6. N

    What is the Best Saxophone Song?

    Another brilliant melody: THE BROTHERS FOUR - Greenfields
  7. N

    Armchair Novelist: Warren's Nagging Creative Urge

    Absolutely! :smile: Many doubts seem to arise while being in a creative process, but that seems to be a part of every kind of adventure. :rolleyes:
  8. N

    Computing the range for a rational function involving absolute value

    Hello Checkfate, you can continue to use the definition of absolute value and rewrite the function for both cases. For x\geq-2 you would get y=\frac{|x+2|}{x}=\frac{x+2}{x}=1+\frac{2}{x} and you can discuss the range of this function for x\in[-2,0) and x\in(0,\infty). (similar for the case of...
  9. N

    Stuck with Maths? Help Needed with Casio fx-85MS Calculator

    The button labeled ^ should be the right one. According to a picture of this calculator I've found it is just above sin. Use EXP to get powers of 10. For example: EXP,5,EXE would be the same as 10,^,5,EXE. Both results will be 100000. Regards, nazzard
  10. N

    How Can a Pelican's Dropped Fish Illustrate Physics Principles?

    I've edited post" with more information regarding problem 2. The formulas I used are basically the ones you've provided. v(final)=v(initial)+at In problem 2 I've used this formula a\cdot t_x to calculate the final velocity of...
  11. N

    How Can a Pelican's Dropped Fish Illustrate Physics Principles?

    Hello Gyros, sorry, my sketches might have caused even more confusion :redface: Problem 1: Both the fish and the pelican have initial velocity of 3 m/s. There's some information missing: Does the pelican fly horizontally at all times? I assumed that this is the case and that's why the...
  12. N

    How Can a Pelican's Dropped Fish Illustrate Physics Principles?

    Hello Gyros, Ok then...that means the pelican and fish are represented by the letters P and F instead of nice drawings :frown: Do these little sketches help you to get new ideas? You can try to separate the movement into x and y...
  13. N

    Chain rule with table of values

    My final table looks like this: x__f'(x)__g(x)__g'(x)__h'(x) 0___7____2____-4____32 2___8____0____-3___-63 I'm still not sure where the mismatch with the signs comes in. :rolleyes:
  14. N

    Chain rule with table of values

    Ok I can't seem to follow you here and I had problems with your notation in another post as well. What does f'=gx and f'=2(0^2-0) mean? :redface: for h'(2) I get: h'(2)=f'(g(2^2-2))*g'(2^2-2)*(2^2-1) h'(2)=f'(g(2))*g'(2)*(3) h'(2)=f'(0)*(-3)*(3) h'(2)=8*(-3)*(3) *wrong* :rolleyes: *edit: I...
  15. N

    Chain rule with table of values

    Hmmm, starting with this table and h(x)=f(g(x^2-x)) I don't get 21 or -21 as an answer for h'(2). :frown: x__f'(x)__g(x)__g'(x)__h'(x) 0___7____2_____??___32 2___8____0____-3____?? Maybe I've done something wrong along the way? I'll have another look.