Recent content by naveen

  1. N

    Why logic and reason fail when we try to trace back the origin of universe

    Yes,this is exactly what I meant. Come on guys,its been a year that somebody has posted in this string. The discussion is of great importance and has to be rejuvenated.This gap of one year might have seen some kind of progress at the fron of the origin of the universe. If anyone is aware of...
  2. N

    I'm a mechanical engineer,wanna be a physicist,HOW?

    Dear Sir I am Naveen.I'll be completing my Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering this year,in INDIA. I have always been fascinated by phsics,physicists and the idea of being a physicist.But,as you might be aware,in INDIA getting into pure sciences cannot earn you your bread and...
  3. N

    A simple real-world fluid dynamics question:

    The best possible choice would definitely be a U-shaped pipe. Neither of the ones u mentioned cos u want to change its direction by a full 180 degrees.
  4. N

    Why logic and reason fail when we try to trace back the origin of universe

    Dont mind,if I clarify that I am a HE and not a SHE. Yes ,you can call it 'nothingness' but this nothingness is not the same as vacuum because vacuum has the dimension of space included. So,if you can get some idea about what I am saying then I ll be glad. I beleive,that it is this...
  5. N

    Why logic and reason fail when we try to trace back the origin of universe

    I know ,but this is just the beginning of the thread.There is a lot more to come. The string theory for instance.We can talk bout that.
  6. N

    Why logic and reason fail when we try to trace back the origin of universe

    This ,I think ,is possible. Whats probable,I think is that,some where back in time,there was a point where in, cause and effect were simultaneous,not separated by time.It is possible that cause as well as effect are happening simultaneously. Now,in this case the multiverses are...
  7. N

    Why logic and reason fail when we try to trace back the origin of universe

    Why logic and reason fail when we try to trace back the origin of universe! When we try to think what might have created the universe,when was it created,how,why,where etc etc, the parameters we are looking at are TIME when we say WHEN and SPACE when we say WHERE,HOW,WHAT,WHO. Out of the ten...
  8. N

    Is Memory the Key to Disproving the Existence of God?

    All of you are missing something crucial We can never get anywhere in the discussions which god or universe is traced back in have to know that time is just one of the dimensions like space and when the universe or matter was created so was time,at that very instant.Even...