Recent content by NattyBumppo

  1. N

    C/C++ Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error

    Add "system("pause");" before the "return 0;" line in your main() function, like so: int main() {cout << "Hello"; system("pause"); return 0; }
  2. N

    C/C++ Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error

    That's not an error; that's just a message that means "we noticed that you've changed your code since you last built an executable." It's just asking if you want to re-compile so your executable is more recent. The black window is occurring because of the reason I explained in my last post.
  3. N

    C/C++ Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error

    That's not an error. It says it's "up-to-date." That just means that you already compiled the code once, and you haven't changed anything, so the executable you built is already up to date. Again, your project is NOT out-of-date. It's up-to-date. The black screen is probably your program...
  4. N

    Focus of studies for spacecraft

    You mentioned that you were up against crazy people; could you give more details on that? And what's your own personal experience with all of this? Obviously you've encountered some hardship in finding a job after getting an aerospace engineering degree; could you describe what's happened, and...
  5. N

    C/C++ Where Can I Find a Good Tutorial for Vectors in C++?

    It sounds like you're talking about the physics/engineering concept of vectors (a direction and a magnitude) rather than the C++ concept of vectors (a special type of container that's like an array with a dynamic size). In that case, the standard C++ libraries don't include vector support...
  6. N

    Focus of studies for spacecraft

    Vadar2012, would you mind elaborating a little bit more? I'm sure if you could give more details it would be interesting/enlightening.
  7. N

    Focus of studies for spacecraft

    Washington does have some up-and-coming space companies. Maybe you were thinking of Blue Origin or Planetary Resources? I think that there are a lot of cool schools out there that aren't top ten which would still be doing work you might be interested in. One slightly unorthodox way to find a...
  8. N

    Focus of studies for spacecraft

    University of Washington isn't in the top ten, but they do have a very good Controls program doing interesting work. However, SpaceX is in Hawthorne, California (and has a launch facility in Texas), not Washington.
  9. N

    What Caused Felix Baumgartner's Radical Spinning During His Stratospheric Jump?

    The Wolfram Blog's post on Baumgartner's fall discusses the instability which led to his spin in detail, towards the latter half of the article. You might be interested in reading that if you want a review of the mathematics behind the unstable rotations which took place.
  10. N

    Programming language for satellites?

    Yes, it's C. More info here.
  11. N

    Lucas from Brazil"Exploring Math: Where to Begin for Lucas from Brazil

    You said you've studied most of Khan Academy's math content, but then you listed several concepts that fall into algebra and geometry--relatively low-level. If you've mastered algebra and geometry, you ought to go through Khan Academy's calculus courses, or perhaps linear algebra. I also...
  12. N

    Windows live search gone or renamed?

    Yeah, it seems like a domain expiration would most simply explain the problem you're seeing. Anyway, you should be able to fix it by updating Internet Explorer or by directly editing your search provider settings. (Or by choosing a different browser :smile: )
  13. N

    Tool for combining forces/couples and reducing to a wrench

    This might be of interesting to beginning mechanical engineering students. If you're familiar with equivalent systems of forces and couples, any system can be reduced into a single force and single couple that's parallel to the force--a.k.a. a "wrench." I made a 3D visualization for reducing...
  14. N

    Evolving Prime Number Algorithms: Can Computers Duplicate Human Programming?

    Actually, you only need to check possible primes up to the square root of the number you're trying to factor. Going up to half of the number you're trying to factor is overkill. What you're talking about sounds like a cross between genetic programming and metaprogramming. There's been some...
  15. N

    What exactly do I talk about in my personal statement?

    Well, I'm not sure if formatting it like a résumé would make it "sound like everyone else's," but it would certainly make it boring to read :smile: It seems to me like your mathematics experience would still be applicable in theoretical computer science. While I don't think you should dwell on...